Charlotte Mason 6th Grade Homeschool Curriculum

Sixth grade is the time to solidify the good habits of attention and best effort in preparation for more challenging studies ahead. The curriculum is designed as a wonderful combination of Individual student lessons, done one-on-one with the teacher, and Family lessons, done with all of your students together.

Sample Schedule

With the Family lessons and the Individual student lessons, each day’s work should take about two and a half hours to complete. In a Charlotte Mason education, much can be accomplished in a short amount of time because the student is being trained in the habit of full attention and the lessons are not tedious.

Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Family Lessons (90 min)
Family Lessons (90 min)
Family Lessons (90 min)
Family Lessons (90 min)
Family Lessons (90 min)
Math (30 min)
Math (30 min)
Math (30 min)
Math (30 min)
Math (30 min)
Grammar & Spelling (15 min)
Science (30 min)
Typing (15 min)
Science (30 min)
Science (30 min)
Grammar & Spelling (15 min)

The weekly schedule for Family lessons will vary depending on which lesson plans you choose. See your selected plans for the Family lessons weekly schedule.

Individual student lessons in sixth grade are focused on the subjects of language arts, typing, math, and science. These are the subjects that should be taught and mastered at your child’s pace.

Language Arts

Language Arts for your sixth-grade student include reading, handwriting, English grammar and spelling, and narration. 


At this level, your student independently reads many of her school books in history, geography, literature, and more.


Your student receives regular opportunities to transcribe favorite lines from great literature into her own Book of Mottoes, or commonplace book.

English Grammar and Spelling

The formal study of the parts of speech is completed, finishing the second half of Using Language Well, Book 2, and Spelling Wisdom, Book 2. (The first half was completed in grade 5.) The same interesting literary passages are used in grammar lessons as in prepared dictation, becoming longer and more difficult as your student progresses.


With two written narrations required per week, your student develops a desire to better communicate her ideas, setting the stage for sentence analysis and composition lessons to come. Oral narration continues to be integrated into all school subjects to give your student practice in mental composition and self-education.


Regular typing practice helps your student continue to develop fluency and speed. Use the typing program of your choice or simply encourage your student to type her dictation passages and written narrations, depending on her skill level.


Straightforward lessons in The Charlotte Mason Elementary Arithmetic Series, Book 6 guide your student in multiplication and division of fractions; ratios; proportion; and percentages. Example questions of a concrete nature encourage self-activity and an understanding of the meaning and beauty behind each mathematical concept. In addition, a hands-on geometry study is continued one day a week with Charlotte Mason Practical Geometry, Part 2.


Science lessons dig deeper into fascinating general science topics that relate to each day of Creation. The Exploring What God Has Made course features living science books, helpful experiments, nature study projects, and a personal nature notebook. (This course could be used with all students in grades 4–6 if desired.)

Your student continues to be fed with a wonderful feast of living ideas and a wide variety of subjects, including  literature, history, Plutarch, foreign language, geography, Bible, art, music, Shakespeare, nature, singing, Scripture memory, poetry, handicrafts, and more. Correlating these subjects, your student continues work on a personal timeline project, My Book of Centuries. Select your choice of History, Geography, and Bible guide and Enrichment Studies. If you are teaching only one student, the Family lessons can easily be done one-on-one.

Shopping list

For a complete Charlotte Mason curriculum, add the history time period and Enrichment Studies of your choice. You can combine all your students for these Family lessons.