Charlotte Mason 3rd Grade Homeschool curriculum

Growth is evident as your student in third grade continues to progress in skill-based subjects as well as receive a feast of ideas to ponder and assimilate. The curriculum is designed as a wonderful combination of Individual student lessons, done one-on-one with the teacher, and Family lessons, done with all of your students together.

Sample Schedule

With the Family lessons and the Individual student lessons, each day’s work should take about two hours to complete.

Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Family Lessons (90 min)
Family Lessons (90 min)
Family Lessons (90 min)
Family Lessons (90 min)
Family Lessons (90 min)
Math (20 min)
Math (20 min)
Math (20 min)
Math (20 min)
Math (20 min)
Grammar & Spelling (15 min)
Science (20 min)
Reading (10 min)
Science (20 min)
Grammar & Spelling (15 min)
Reading (10 min)
Handwriting (5 min)
Handwriting (5 min)
Reading (10 min)

The weekly schedule for Family lessons will vary depending on which lesson plans you choose. See your selected plans for the Family lessons weekly schedule.

Individual student lessons in third grade are focused on the subjects of language arts, math, and science. These are the subjects that should be taught one-on-one at your child’s pace.

Language Arts

Language Arts for your third grader include reading, handwriting, English, and narration. School books continue to be read aloud for the student so he can benefit from a more advanced level of writing and vocabulary, even as he is progressing in reading for himself.


Your student progresses toward fluency with individual reading practice, using the engaging and wholesome third-grade readers New Friends and More New Friends.


In handwriting your student graduates from copywork to transcription, in your choice of either printing or cursive handwriting. Transcription is integrated into both the handwriting lessons, using the Hymns in Prose Copybook, and the English lessons outlined below.


Gentle English usage lessons are begun, guiding the student to discover basic capitalization and punctuation guidelines for himself from interesting literature. He also begins to write some words from memory, gradually paving the way for dictation-style spelling lessons in grade 4. The first half of Using Language Well, Book 1, and Spelling Wisdom, Book 1, are completed in these lessons. (The second half of each book is completed in grade 4.)


Oral narration is continued, giving your student ample opportunity to practice mental composition skills.


Your student advances in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division up to 10,000 and receives an introduction to fractions and weights and measures through hands-on exploration. These enjoyable, short lessons are provided through The Charlotte Mason Elementary Arithmetic Series, Book 3.


Your student discovers God’s creation through interesting living books, simple experiments, and firsthand nature study, using Discovering What God Has Made. (This course could be used with all students in grades 1–3 if desired.)

Living ideas are offered through enjoyable lessons in foreign language, art, geography, music, literature, Scripture memory, poetry, handicrafts, singing, history, nature, Bible, and more. Select your choice of History, Geography, and Bible guide and Enrichment Studies. If you are teaching only one student, the Family lessons can easily be done one-on-one.

Shopping List

For a complete Charlotte Mason curriculum, add the history time period and Enrichment Studies of your choice. You can combine all your students for these Family lessons.