The Original Home Schooling Series by Charlotte Mason

I’ve had two constant companions over the 20 years that I’ve been homeschooling: my husband John and my pink six-volume set of The Original Home Schooling Series by Charlotte Mason.

Several years ago we had the privilege of getting to know Dean and Karen Andreola. Such wonderful people! One of the first things we did was to thank them for their work in printing Charlotte Mason’s original writings and making them available for us all those years ago. Those six pink volumes—authentic scans of her books—have meant the world to so many of us who are learning about Charlotte Mason and loving how her methods enrich our home schools.

As we talked with Dean and Karen, they shared with us that it was time to pass the baton. They were not planning to republish the six-volume set, but would we be willing to take on that project? What an honor!

Today we are thrilled to announce that a new generation of those authentic six volumes is now available. This study edition of the Original Home Schooling Series presents

  • Authorized page replicas of the complete text as originally published, so you can be sure every word is authentic and accurate.
  • Enlarged text, lovingly and meticulously restored for ease of reading.
  • Wide margins for note-taking, so you have plenty of room to record the relations that you are making and document your growth as you study Charlotte’s rich and practical ideas;
  • 8.5″ x 11″ page size, so the books lie open more easily.

As you see on the covers, you can still “look for the pinks” to be sure that you are getting the authentic scans of Charlotte’s original books. There is no substitute for reading Charlotte’s own writings; and now you can once again read with confidence, for “the pinks” are back!

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  1. These look great! The space for notes is really nice. Do the page numbers match/line up with the old “pink set?”

    • Yes, the page numbers do line up. So if you’re looking up a cited reference or in a study group it will work nicely.

      Thanks for asking! We’ve now added that information to the page so it will be clearer.

  2. I’m so glad I didn’t spend $150 on the original pink set! Thank you guys so much for the hard work that was invested in these. 🙂

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