Category Homeschool Planning

Practical help and tips for planning and scheduling your Charlotte Mason homeschool.

The Secret to Planning Your Homeschool Day

The Secret to Planning Your Homeschool Day

Here’s the secret to getting through your lessons without needing big breaks. Planning and scheduling your homeschool studies involve several steps. Five steps, really. First, you start with the big overview, then zoom in on this year; then I like…

Charlotte Mason Homeschool Daily Schedule

2 Ways to Schedule Your Homeschool Day

Today I’d like to walk through two different ways to schedule a school day. Both are viable options. Use the one that fits best during this season of life. Over the years—or even during different terms of a single year—you…

Your Questions Answered: Time to Play

Welcome to another installment of Your Questions Answered. As usual, my friend and co-worker, Laura Pitney is joining me. Here’s the question we’re going to discuss today: For elementary students, how do you balance all the subjects and still give…

Charlotte Mason Lessons Done by Lunch

How to Finish Lessons by Lunch

I recently did an article called Productive Afternoons, and in it I mentioned that in Charlotte Mason’s schools formal lessons were done by lunch. Well, we received many questions about how lessons could be done by lunch, so I want…

Tips for a Smooth Homeschool Morning

5 Tips for a Smooth Morning

We talk a lot about your school schedule and how to make it work for you and your students. But what about that block of time before school starts? That part of your morning can have a big impact on…

Charlotte Mason Scheduling Ideas

5 Questions to Ask about Your Schedule

A slip of paper. That’s all. A slip of paper. I find it very interesting that the word schedule comes from the Latin for “a slip of paper.” Can you imagine? When Charlotte Mason homeschoolers talk about schedules, somehow it…