Category Narration

Posts and articles about the Charlotte Mason method of narration.

New suit

Narration: A New Suit of Clothes

For those of you who are just starting out with narration—or for anyone who would welcome a good dose of courage and confidence—we are happy to present this guest blog post from Karen Andreola. Read and be encouraged! When a…

Narration Q&A, Part 4

The Simplest Way (Narration Q & A, part 4)

I like simple. Well, let me amend that statement. I like simple as long as it’s effective. As we continue our series on narration questions and answers, let’s look at a simple description Charlotte gave for using narration effectively. This…

Boy reading

Narration with Auditory and Speech Issues

The art of narrating—telling back what you know in your own words—can be a challenge for most every student. But for those who struggle with auditory processing or speech issues, narration can be even more challenging—for both student and parent.…

5 Steps to Successful Narration

To Narrate and Discuss

The time has come for your child to perform the Act of Knowing. We’ve discussed the first three steps to a successful narration lesson: pick a good living book, look ahead and behind, and read the passage. Those steps are…

5 Steps to Successful Narration

Time to Read

We’ve been talking about the 5 steps to a successful narration lesson, and today we want to continue that series. So far we’ve discussed the importance of selecting a good living book. Book selection can make or break your child’s…

5 Steps to Successful Narration

Find Your Bearings

Probably the best way to illustrate Step 2 is to talk about the importance of framework. I saw an interesting video clip in which some instructions were read that were difficult to remember or to relate with. But once the…

5 Steps to Successful Narration

The Power of a Good Story

Last week we started a new series, 5 Steps to Successful Narration. Do you remember the five steps? Don’t worry, we’ll review them often as we talk our way through them over the coming weeks. It’s tempting to think that…

5 Steps to Successful Narration

5 Steps to Successful Narration

My husband has been lifting weights for several months now in an effort to get into shape and improve his health. It’s been good. The program he is using challenges him to regularly increase the number of pounds he lifts,…

Relating and Rambling

Mom took a deep breath and began to read aloud: I wonder how many of my readers have ever sat upon an ottoman. If you have, you know that it . . . “What’s an ottoman, Mom?” six-year-old Stacy interrupted.…