Category Charlotte Mason Method

Charlotte Mason method homeschool posts.

Homeschool mom considering opinions

Ready-Made Opinions

We just returned from a trip to the store where, I will admit, I grabbed some ready-made food items. Yes, I could probably have made those items from scratch with a little time and effort, but that seems to be…

The Way of the Will with Charlotte Mason

The Way of the Will, Free E-book

A friend of mine posted a cartoon this week that caught my eye. The first character asks, “What exactly is a New Year’s resolution?” And the second replies, “It’s a to-do list for the first week of January.” For some…

New year 2012

Favorite Posts from 2011

I think I’ve caught the bug. Not that icky respiratory bug that’s going around. I’m talking about the let’s-get-busy-and-tweak-what-needs-tweaking-so-we-can-enter-2012-ready-to-succeed bug. You know, that persistent urge to clean out closets or reorganize the kitchen cupboards. That itch to evaluate your life…

Christmas Joy


Joy. We sing about it. We desire it. But often we look for it in the wrong places. Too often we hope that this season of parties and family gatherings and gifts and special concerts and candlelight services will somehow…

Homeschool mom and daughter reading at Christmas

Delightful But Exhausting

Am I the only one whose mind is working in constant addendum mode during this season of the year? You know what I mean by “addendum mode,” don’t you? It’s that state of mind in which your brain adds to…

Outdoor Secrets audiobook

New Audiobook of Outdoor Secrets

It seems that more and more homeschoolers are using audiobooks. It makes sense when you think about it, especially for those of us using the Charlotte Mason Method. We read a lot of books, and we keep an ongoing list…

Hymns in Prose

“Still Better,” Hymns in Prose for Children

It always intrigues me to find out exact titles that Charlotte Mason recommended in her writings and used in her schools. Recently I came across this recommendation: Describing the best material to use for reading lessons, Charlotte said, Short fables,…

Handicrafts Made Simple DVD and booklet

Handicrafts Made Simple DVD Series

I don’t know about you, but for me the two biggest challenges of teaching handicrafts are (1) not knowing how to do the craft myself and (2) coming up with projects. Despite my noticeable lack of “craftyness,” my oldest daughter…

Crocheting as a homeschool handicraft

Fall Handicrafts Tips and Ideas

Handicrafts and life skills are such a great way to spend cooler afternoons. And as the weather turns cold, they provide a wonderfully productive outlet for energetic minds and fingers indoors. We like to combine handicrafts with life skills because…

books and tree

Facts vs. Ideas

I remember sitting in our Charlotte Mason homeschool discussion group, explaining how a living book should give our children ideas, not just facts. One dear lady turned a puzzled look my way and asked, “What do you mean ‘ideas’?” That…

Delightful Handwriting

Delightful Handwriting

It seems that children naturally want to make their mark as they grow. The tinies smear their highchair tray with sauces and puddings to explore what it might look like; the little ones scribble with crayons on any surface in…

A Charlotte Mason Companion: Personal Reflections on the Gentle Art of Learning

The Gentle Art of Learning, Part 3

We are honored to have Karen Andreola as a guest writer for today’s post. Her book, A Charlotte Mason Companion: Personal Reflections on the Gentle Art of Learning, has been a source of inspiration and encouragement for so many of…