Category Charlotte Mason Method

Charlotte Mason method homeschool posts.

5 Steps to Successful Narration

5 Steps to Successful Narration

My husband has been lifting weights for several months now in an effort to get into shape and improve his health. It’s been good. The program he is using challenges him to regularly increase the number of pounds he lifts,…

Ancient Egypt and Her Neighbors-sq

New Book on Ancient Egypt and Her Neighbors

It has been such a treat to be able to read history with my children over the past seventeen years of homeschooling. The Charlotte Mason method of using living books has made the various time periods come alive for me,…

New package delivery

New Arrivals from 2012

New arrivals bring excitement! Just this morning the doorbell rang and I found two cardboard boxes with little printed smiles on my front porch. As I waved to the man driving the big brown truck, the questions rang out from…

Encouragement Coming Your Way

Encouragement. We all need it. We all welcome it with open arms when it comes our way. Sometimes it comes as a heartfelt reassurance: Yes, you can do this! Sometimes it appears in the form of a practical tip: This…

Education Is Too Often Misunderstood

Have you ever listened to a debate rage—both sides championing their points in ever-louder voices and ever-longer speeches—and you suddenly realized that they’re both wrong? It’s not a matter of which of the two sides is correct; it’s a matter…

It Is Not Possible to Repeat This Too Often

If you’ve been in Charlotte Mason homeschooling very long, you know the emphasis Charlotte put on doing things only once. She explained that we cultivate the habit of attention by reading the passage only once before requiring a narration. We…

Too Often Habit Is the Frustrator

Along about this time of year we homeschoolers usually have a pretty good feel for what is working and what needs to be changed. Whether it is what time we get up in the morning, who does which subject when,…

Toy car

Twaddle Too Often

I still recall the time many years ago when we scraped the bottom of our newlywed bank account to buy a gift for a little boy. We got him a sturdy but simple toy car. No flashing lights, no screeching…

Why I Love CM

Seventeen years ago, when I first heard a description of the Charlotte Mason Method, my heart resonated with that brief snippet. If you had asked me then why I was drawn to CM above all the other approaches to homeschooling,…

Practical Homeschooling 2012 Reader Award

SCM Wins Seven PHS Reader Awards!

Every year Practical Homeschooling magazine hosts their much-anticipated Reader Awards for various homeschool resources. The way it works is that the magazine’s readers have an opportunity to nominate their favorite products; then once the ballot is compiled, everyone votes on…

Mathematics: An Instrument for Living Teaching

New Book on Charlotte Mason Math

In the past whenever I read Charlotte Mason’s statement about math, “I need not touch upon the subject of Mathematics. It is receiving ample attention, and is rapidly becoming an instrument for living teaching in our schools” (Vol. 3, p.…

Come, Lord Jesus: Lessons from Revelation Bible study

New Revelation Bible Study

We’re pleased to announce the release of our latest Bible study, written in a Charlotte Mason style that encourages the students to interact directly with Scripture. Come, Lord Jesus: Lessons from Revelation walks your whole family through the book of…