Category Charlotte Mason Method

Charlotte Mason method homeschool posts.

Learning and Living: Homeschooling the Charlotte Mason Way DVD Set

Learning and Living: New 12-DVD Set

About a year ago, my husband John and I were driving home from a convention and discussing how we might be able to help more people understand the Charlotte Mason Method. (We’ve found that drive times are perfect times for…

When More Is Less Calendar Journal

What They Don’t Know

I remember pulling some all-nighters during my high school and college years. A test was scheduled for the next day, and there were so many random facts and pieces of information to be recalled for it that every moment counted.…

make it happen

A Good Resolution

Perhaps this isn’t the prime time of the year to talk about resolutions. Usually resolutions are discussed around New Year’s Day. However, it is homeschool convention season, and many good resolutions are made at conventions too. You hear a workshop…

My Book of Centuries

Having a Grand Time in 1800

The past few weeks I’ve been having a grand time “living” in 1800 thanks to two friends of mine. Christie you may already know. She designed My Book of Centuries with its helpful guides that give gentle direction for the…

Practical Homeschooling Reader Award

2014 Practical Homeschooling Reader Awards

Since 1994 Practical Homeschooling magazine has hosted annual Reader Awards for homeschool curriculum. This event is a little different in that the Reader Awards are not a “popularity” prize, but a “satisfaction” prize. First, homeschoolers nominate their favorite products in a wide…

Child enjoying nature

Thoughts on Early Education

With society’s push for starting formal education earlier and earlier, it feels like a breath of fresh air when an article or a study takes a stand against that trend. Charlotte Mason was a strong advocate of safeguarding a child’s…

Another Example of Facts vs. Ideas

Every weekday evening that I am home, I watch an episode of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood with my youngest daughter. (Thank goodness for Amazon Prime!) From the time my girls were little, Mister Rogers has been a staple around our house.…

The New SCM Learning Library

There is such a feeling of anticipation and wonder that sweeps over a person when she walks into a library full of resources! I remember standing in the main entrance of one such library and thinking, This place must be…

Enjoying the Early Years DVDs

Enjoying the Early Years DVD set

Pressure. Most of us homeschoolers feel like we have a firsthand knowledge of that word. We feel pressured to succeed as we educate our children: pressure from standardized testing, from well-meaning (or not so well-meaning) relatives, from friends and neighbors,…