Category Charlotte Mason Method

Charlotte Mason method homeschool posts.

Narration Q&A, Part 8

The Next Step (Narration Q & A, part 8)

It’s easy to look at narration as the be-all and end-all Charlotte Mason method of learning. What we don’t realize is that we are focusing on just a portion of the picture. We are mistaken if we think that a…

New suit

Narration: A New Suit of Clothes

For those of you who are just starting out with narration—or for anyone who would welcome a good dose of courage and confidence—we are happy to present this guest blog post from Karen Andreola. Read and be encouraged! When a…

Narration Q&A, Part 4

The Simplest Way (Narration Q & A, part 4)

I like simple. Well, let me amend that statement. I like simple as long as it’s effective. As we continue our series on narration questions and answers, let’s look at a simple description Charlotte gave for using narration effectively. This…

Postponing Formal Grammar Instruction

The ladies over at Analytical Grammar recently sent out an excellent post in support of delaying formal grammar instruction until the student is at least 10 years old—just as Charlotte Mason advocated. Read Erin and Robin’s timely advice and be…