Category Charlotte Mason Method

Charlotte Mason method homeschool posts.

Charlotte Mason Homeschool Narration Notecards

Announcing Narration Notecards

You want to give your student interesting and specific narration prompts for each chapter he reads, but sometimes you just don’t have time to pre-read all of the books on the schedule. Or maybe you have time but you’re not…

Charlotte Mason Math Success Story

Happy Results: Min Hwang’s Math Story

We’re hearing so many good things about Charlotte Mason’s way of teaching math! Parents tell us about improved attitudes, renewed interest and excitement, plus a solid understanding of arithmetic. Min Hwang’s experience is especially encouraging. Here is her Happy Results…

Charlotte Mason Homeschool Math Handwriting

Handwriting as a Joy in Math Lessons

(We are pleased to present the following post by Richele Baburina, author of Mathematics: An Instrument for Living Teaching and its corresponding DVD set, Charlotte Mason’s Living Math: A Guided Journey.) Charlotte Mason elementary arithmetic lessons are primarily oral. Rather…

Charlotte Mason Homeschool Math

Ideal Math Lessons for a Young Learner

Just for a moment, throw out all of your memories of math lessons from your school days. Set aside the images and promotional explanations from that math curriculum you were recently researching online. And let’s start from scratch. If we…

Keeping Your Balance calendar year edition

2018 Calendar Journal Now Available

My husband and I used to ride tandem bicycles around Chicagoland. We would throw on our biking clothes and go for miles on the Rails to Trails paths. During our bicycling days, I learned two very important lessons. First, I’m…

Fiction Benefits Education Homeschool

How Fiction Helps Children Grow

My youngest has been traveling to conventions with us over the past few months. Amid the different locations and changing venues, she has held tightly to one constant: on every trip she brings a classic children’s literature book. These books…

Charlotte Mason Education Good Habits Will Power

Charlotte Mason and The Marshmallow Test

Four-year-old Susie sits at a little table in a plain room, listening intently. “Susie, which do you like better: one marshmallow or two marshmallows?” the nice lady asks as she points to the sweet treats sitting on paper plates on…