Category Charlotte Mason Method

Charlotte Mason method homeschool posts.

Charlotte Mason History Lesson Plans

Using the 6-Year History Cycle

In this post I want to show you a little technique that I use to help me think through, adjust, and fine tune our history cycle to fit different family situations. We’re going to answer this question: Why do you…

Charlotte Mason Good Habits Best Effort

Working On Best Effort During the Summer

We talked last time about how the summer months can be a great time to give focused effort in habit-training, even if you’re taking that time off from schoolwork. Especially if you’re taking that time off from schoolwork! When you…

Charlotte Mason Music Study Handel and Liszt

Two New Music Studies Now Available

Charlotte Mason believed that music is a necessary part of education. And not just haphazard music; she encouraged us to “Let the young people hear good music as often as possible, and that under instruction” (Formation of Character, p. 235).…

Charlotte Mason Preschool and Kindergarten Activities and Lessons

Your Questions Answered: Preschool Activities

The biggest job that a preschool child has is to explore his surroundings and make sense of the world around him. As he uses his five senses, he’s forming crucial connections in his brain. And those connections will help him…

Charlotte Mason Preschool Homeschool Priorities

Your Top Priorities for Preschool

Young children spend the first five or six years of their lives busily making sense out of life around them. Their brains are on overdrive: observing, categorizing, comparing, discriminating, problem solving, experimenting, testing, assimilating. For example, let’s say you hand…

mother and son charlotte mason encouragement

Let Us Not Grow Weary

I just spent a weekend at a conference with some wonderful homeschooling mamas: some who are new to homeschooling and some who are veterans. As I was chatting with one mama who is just in the midst of her first…