Category Charlotte Mason Method

Charlotte Mason method homeschool posts.

Charlotte Mason Method Nature Study Projects

5 Great Nature Projects (plus a few more)

During the past few weeks we have been sharing that there is more to nature study than just spending time outside. The well-rounded science education that Charlotte Mason described for her students included outdoor field work, living science books, natural…

Charlotte Mason Nature Study Object Lessons

Natural Object Lessons

Nature study is such a great way to help our children (and ourselves) develop a personal relation with God’s creation around us. Some children take to it quite naturally; others appreciate a little guidance and encouragement. That’s where object lessons…

Charlotte Mason Nature Study Living Science Books

Nature Study, Plus Living Books

I hope you have been enjoying our series on nature study. We have talked about why Charlotte Mason included nature study in the curriculum line-up, when we should do nature study, the big picture of what it looks like, and…

Charlotte Mason Method Nature Study Notebook

The Secret of the Nature Notebook

“Where do I find a nature notebook?” “What does it look like?” “How do we go about creating a nature notebook? Is there a template somewhere?” Questions like these cross my desk regularly. So let’s reveal the secret of the…

Nature Study in a Nutshell

So far in this series we’ve talked about all the great benefits that we and our children can gain from doing nature study. We’ve also addressed Charlotte Mason’s encouragement to get outside one half-day per week, all year round. That…

When Should I Do Nature Study?

Have you ever noticed that the question When? has many facets? For example, if a person asked, “When should we go to the park?,” the reply could be any number of things. The person asking might be a mama who…

Charlotte Mason Method Homeschool Real Self Education

3 Ways to Sabotage Lifelong Learners

We talked last time about how learning is a continuous process. It’s something that should happen your whole life. And if you use six Charlotte Mason methods, you can educate yourself on many, many things without depending on a teacher…

Charlotte Mason for Adult Education

Charlotte Mason for Grown-Ups

What’s your dream? Chances are if you have a dream, you will need to learn some things to get you there. Brittney has a dream to give her children a rich and enjoyable home education that will launch them into…

Charlotte Mason Method Student Skills

Working with Your Student’s Skills

I enjoy watching The Great British Baking Show. The challenges, the creativity, and the camaraderie all combine to make it a pleasant diversion. But I have to be careful, because sometimes I get carried away with the success of some…