Category Charlotte Mason Method

Charlotte Mason method homeschool posts.

Doing God's Will Charlotte Mason Good Habits

Our Wills and God’s Will

We’ve spent several blog posts talking about the way of the will and how to strengthen the will so it will be able to choose to do what is right, even when it’s hard. I’ve really enjoyed these weeks of…

Charlotte Mason Early Modern History Living Books Grades 7-9

Favorite Early Modern Books for Grades 7–9

I love being surrounded by great books! My father recently made me two more bookcases, so I’ve been happily reshuffling and reorganizing my collection of history and literature books. That’s one of my favorite tasks: handling and organizing my books.…

Strengthen Willpower Charlotte Mason Method Habits

3 Ways to Develop Willpower

Right off the bat, some of you may be thinking, “Strengthen my child’s will? I don’t need to strengthen it. He’s a strong-willed child already!” And that may be the case, but don’t jump to any conclusions. You might want…

Charlotte Mason History Early Modern Living Books 4-6

Favorite Early Modern Books for Grades 4–6

The Early Modern time period includes many fascinating people and events. And what better way to study them than through living books—books that make them come alive in your child’s mind; books that touch their emotions and fire their imaginations;…