Category Books & Resources

Post about books and other resources to help in your Charlotte Mason method homeschool. Also information about our own SCM books.

New nature books

Two New Nature Companions

We mentioned last time how helpful it is to have some resources to assist you in making new acquaintances and getting to know them better in nature study. Today we’re happy to announce two new resources designed to do just…

Sowing seeds

Wisdom from Shakespeare

We’ve been talking the past couple of weeks about how much Charlotte Mason valued Shakespeare. She considered his works to be a great way to help instruct children’s consciences, reinforcing the differences between right and wrong, good and evil.

Music Study with the Masters

Music Study with the Masters

Like many of you, I grew up taking piano lessons. I remember playing Beethoven’s Fur Elise and exercises from Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier. But no one ever told me the stories behind those pieces or introduced the composers to me as…

Winter homeschooling mom and kids

One, Two, Free!

We are pleased to announce one new book, two new Picture Study Portfolios, and free shipping during the month of December!

The Line That Strikes Us

Sometimes a phrase jumps off the page and sticks with me. I’m sure you have experienced similar moments. The choice of words resonates with my heart or touches something deep inside my mind, and I notice them replaying in my…

Learning and Living: Homeschooling the Charlotte Mason Way DVD Set

Learning and Living: New 12-DVD Set

About a year ago, my husband John and I were driving home from a convention and discussing how we might be able to help more people understand the Charlotte Mason Method. (We’ve found that drive times are perfect times for…

When More Is Less Calendar Journal

What They Don’t Know

I remember pulling some all-nighters during my high school and college years. A test was scheduled for the next day, and there were so many random facts and pieces of information to be recalled for it that every moment counted.…