Jashub's Journal: An Old Testament Law Story and Bible Study
Jashub’s Journal: An Old Testament Law Story and Bible Study


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Jashub’s Journal: An Old Testament Law Story and Bible Study

(13 customer reviews)


Make the Old Testament Law come alive! Your student will join Jashub and his fellow Israelites as they learn to resolve everyday situations according to God’s Law. This living story combined with a Bible study is designed to highlight God’s wisdom in the laws He made. (Grades 7–12) See full description

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Product Description

Make the Old Testament Law come alive!

Jashub’s Journal: An Old Testament Law Story, is a living book about God’s wise laws given in Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers. Join Jashub and his family and friends as they settle into an abandoned Canaanite village during the final days of Joshua and learn to resolve their everyday disputes and situations according to God’s good Law.

Practical Homeschooling Reader Award 2020Practical Homeschooling Reader Award 2021Practical Homeschooling Reader Award 2022Practical Homeschooling Reader Award 2023Practical Homeschooling Reader Award 2024

The included Bible Study adds another dimension as it pauses the story, directs the student to applicable Bible passages, and challenges him to determine what God’s Law says the townspeople should do in the given situations. The student then returns to the Jashub’s Journal story to check his answers.

  • Living—Makes the Old Testament times and the Mosaic Law come alive!
  • Biblical—Encourages your student to read the Bible and narrate what it says.
  • Easy to Use—Transitions easily between the Bible Study and the Jashub’s Journal story with clear instructions.
  • Thought-provoking—Emphasizes and encourages students to consider why God’s laws are wise.
  • Versatile—Read the story and do the Bible study all together as a family or assign as independent work for students in grades 7–12.
  • Recommended—Incorporated into the Genesis through Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt history module.

Practical Homeschooling Reader Award 2014 Practical Homeschooling Reader Award 2015

Additional Information


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E-book, Spiral


Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12

Lesson Plan

Genesis through Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt


Weight.75 lbs
Dimensions11 × 8.5 × 0.31 in

These links and tips that correspond to Jashub’s Journal may be helpful to you. Use them to enhance your study.

13 reviews for Jashub’s Journal: An Old Testament Law Story and Bible Study

  1. Shelley

    I don’t see this on the Module One Curriculum Guide. Also, I’m wondering if this is included in the Genesis to Deuteronomy Guide? The book looks wonderful!

    • Sonya

      It’s listed for Grades 7-12 as “Old Testament Law Study” on the Curriculum Guide. I’ll go add the title too, so as to be clearer. Thanks for pointing it out.

      Yes, Jashub’s Journal is included in the Genesis through Deuteronomy handbook lesson plans.

  2. Dedra

    I see that it is listed for Grades 7-12, would it work with a 6th grader? If so, should it be worked on independently or as a family? It looks like it would be a great addition to our study!

    • Sonya

      Yes, I think it would work with a 6th grader too, probably independently. Or you might do a couple of chapters together and see how your 6th grader does and make your decision from there.

  3. Malissa

    I see that the book is written (at least some of it) is written in cursive. My daughter is still learning to read cursive, will she be able to read this book or will I need to help her with it? She is going into the 8th grade this fall and we are going to be using Genesis Through Deuteronomy.

    • Sonya

      Maybe you could print the sample and see if she’s comfortable reading the script portions. That might give you a good idea whether you will need to read it with her.

  4. Chantelle

    We will be new to Homeschooling this upcoming year. I will have a 5th grade son. He is an advanced reader and we need to encourage him to begin personal Bible studies. I know this is recommended for 7-12 grades, but I have no doubt he can read it. However, I don’t want to push him to do something that is too difficult mentally for him. We will be doing Module 1 this year so this would coordinate with what we will be studying. Could we start this a few months into our study of Genesis Thru Deut or how do you recommend to coordiate it? I’ve also considered purchasing some of the Keepers of Faith Character studies for him to work through on his own to teach him personal Bible study. Please give me some advice!

    • Sonya

      Your 5th grade son would probably have no problem completing the Jashub’s Journal study, Chantelle. In fact, you and he could work through it together. It fits quite nicely in the Genesis through Deuteronomy study once you get to Exodus 20 and read about God’s giving the Law.

  5. Chantelle

    Maybe I should do this study myself! I’ve been thinking of starting the Discovering Doctrine for myself this year. I think it would be a good way to set the example for my children that I’m also doing something I’ve asked them to do (won’t ask them to start this until they are older!), plus I love the idea of having a book/journal where I’ve summarized things I’ve learned through the whole Bible.

  6. Dena

    I am wondering how long this study is. Would it be used for an entire year, or would it be more like a term? Also, I have a 4th and 7th grader. Would it be okay to do this as a family and just assign the Bible study portion to my 7th grader, or could all of it be done as a family?

    • Sonya

      You should be able to complete it easily in a term, Dena. In fact, in our Genesis through Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt handbook, we schedule it for three days a week and it takes only four weeks to complete. So schedule it however you would like to.

      I think a fourth grader would be able to participate if the whole family read the story, looked up the Scripture passages given, and discussed the answers. There is one chapter where a man accidentally kills someone and has to flee to a city of refuge. I don’t know whether that situation might be too intense for your younger one. It doesn’t describe the scene; the family simply relates what happened and asks Jashub what to do. So just a heads-up.

      • Dena

        Thanks so much. I think we will try to do it as a family then. Can’t wait to get it!

  7. beth

    Could you recommend a Bible verse or passage to memorize as we are working through Jashub’s Journal? THANKS, Beth

    • Sonya Shafer

      A few suggestions come to mind, Beth.

      Exodus 20:2-17 (The Ten Commandments)

      Psalm 119:30

      Psalm 19:7-11

  8. Jennifer in MamaLand

    This looks very interesting – never seen anything quite like it. I’m wondering whether you feel it would fit well in our Jewish homeschool. Are there any explicit NT or Christological references?
    Yes, there ARE Jewish CM’ers out here!

    • Sonya Shafer

      Hi, Jennifer. Jashub’s Journal would probably fit well in your Jewish homeschool. We wrote it to emphasize God’s wisdom in His good Law, so the whole storyline and all of the Scripture references are focused in the Old Testament (specifically, Exodus through Joshua). If, for some reason, you find that it’s not a good fit, remember that we have a 30-day money-back guarantee that you are welcome to use.

  9. Dae

    I bought this and read it to my 9 and 7 year old, one story per week and then discussing the questions verbally. The LOVED it! I’m going to put it away for a few years then pull it out again when they are older and have them write out their answers. Are there anymore of these books in the works? I have been looking and looking for something like this!

    • Sonya Shafer

      We don’t currently have plans for another study like this in the works, but I’m so glad your children enjoyed this one. Thanks for the encouragement!

  10. pollysoup

    We just finished this today (11 and 7 years old). We really enjoyed it. Thank you for such a wonderful, yet practical resource!

  11. Amy

    Can you tell me how many lessons/pages are in this book? I am trying to imagine working into my homeschool year. I cannot use it each day, but would like to determine if it can be a resource alongside our ancient history history and use it as a added Bible supplement once or twice a week. Thank you.

    • Sonya Shafer

      Amy, Jashub’s Journal contains 12 chapters, about 112 pages. Yes, you could easily use it once or twice a week as a supplement to your Bible studies.

  12. Shelley Anderson

    If I have two students in grades 7-12, should I purchase each of them their own copy? Looks like a great study. I am really thinking of using this curriculum. It seems very straight forward and easy to use to teach all seven of my kids at once.

    • Sonya Shafer

      You could either have each student complete his or her own study of Jashub’s Journal or you could complete one study book all together, with both students and you forming the group. Either way will work.

  13. Laura

    Our family just completed Jashub’s Journal and we are sad it ended! What a great aid it is! I read through it with my children, having them look up and read aloud the Scripture passages. They each took turns answering the questions, starting with the youngest first. My children who participated are ages 7, 11, & 13 and it was perfect for all of them, and I was blessed as well. We found the story to be engaging and the conversation that flowed from it was wonderful. We are even more amazed at the perfection of our loving Creator’s instruction! Thank you!

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