YouTube Art

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  • Julie Cunningham

    I am looking for any recommendations for art instruction that we can use a platform like youtube to learn from. I do not like the Creating a Masterpiece series as it feels like you are learning things specific to that project and not fundamentals that you can then take and create what you want. We have used Art Hub 4 Kids and Southern HodgePodge that has its place, but I am now looking for instruction on how to_______. Watercolor, draw, paint, etc.

    Any YouTube channels you like would be a great help!



    I would love to know of a YouTube channel to use for art instruction, too!


    You might find some videos you like on Mark Kistler YouTube, for learning to draw.

    This is a good one to start with.

    Audio Visual Drawing Program has a great book called Drawing Textbook. Mark Kistler learned from Bruce McIntyre, the author of Drawing Textbook.

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