WTB: The Power in Your Hands


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  • Melanie32

    Hi ladies! I am interested in purchasing this curriculum to teach a couple of teen girls this fall. I’ve read posts from a few moms here saying that they didn’t care for it. I thought it was worth a try to see if any of you would like to sell it to me.

    I would also be glad to trade items for it. I have several SCM picture portfolios as well as a SCM composer study. I have many other items so you can always ask if there is something you need. I just haven’t felt like dealing with the hassle of selling all of the things we are done with or not using but I would be glad to trade them if someone is interested.




    I have a used copy of the TG in really good shape and the student text, used, but not completed. If you want the student one to look through at a really deep discount, that would be fine with me 🙂 I think I am asking $11ppd on my homeschoolclassifieds page for the TG.

    Blessings to you, too!

    You can email me at homeschoolboysx3@aol.com and I can send you pictures, if that would help.


    I emailed you. 🙂

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