World atlas recommendation, please

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  • teachme2learn

    I’m looking for a world atlas.  I’ve seen all different types for sale at all sorts of prices.  Could you tell me what you use or highly recommend? 

    Thank you.

    Rachel White

    A modern one or historical one?



    Ummmm,  that’s a good question.  I guess we’d be looking at a modern one but if you had a historical one to recommend I would certainly keep it in mind.  We love looking over maps.


    I am looking at Map Trek… they have one that looks great, but I haven’t seen it in hand…

    (historical… but I think it has a basic modern one within it…)


    I like the looks of Map Trek (keeping this resource in the back of my mind) and I do have the old version Blackline maps which didn’t include the atlas but right now I think we are looking for something more current.

    Any more suggestions from those of you who love maps?

    Rachel White

    Just to clarify; you’re looking for a book atlas, not a collecton of blank maps, right?

    My atlases were given me by my parents. They are rather extensive, encyclopedic really. They are:

    World Reference Atlas by DK


    Atlas of America by Reader’s Digest

    We also have a Children’s Atlas of the World, but my children are less interested in that one as they are in the big ones.




    Yes, I am looking for a book atlas.  I borrowed my father’s-in-law but we hardly use it because I’m afraid the children will damage it.  The one I’ve considered getting is the Rand Mcnally World Atlas which is around $50 but was wondering if anyone had any other recommendations.

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