Workbox activities that are not busywork

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  • bethanna

    I want to put together a workbox-of-sorts for each of my three oldest children (ds5 almost 6, ds 7, dd9) to use independently when I am working with one child on math/language. I want them to stay busy, but I don’t want the activities in the workbox to be just busywork though. Do you have any ideas of what assignment/activity would be worthwhile rather than twaddly busywork? I do have each of them a time on our daily schedule to play with dd2. This would be aside from that. I can think of playdoh, puzzles, manipulatives stored nearby. TIA!


    At that age you might be looking at educational type toys more than school work. Something mentally challenging like tanagrams or math wrap ups maybe? I just read an article in the HSLDA magazine this month about improving working memory by sorting a plain deck of cards in different ways.



    Bumping this for more ideas. 🙂


    I hope we get some!  I’m still trying to work this out….  I have corralled my dd3’s things that she can use during school time on one bookshelf with a rug for her to sit on.  I try to stay nearby so I can make sure she puts one thing back before pulling out another.

    Julie Cunningham

    What about the sticker books that are animals, bugs, birds etc. Here is a link:

    Melissa and Doug has a reusable sticker pad.

    Perler Beads, Goldie Blox, Spirograph, Letter practice, search and find books (my kids love those), magnetic dress-up dolls…



    My kids love getting out watercolors or color pencils (although they often work on these as I read aloud).  Origami, Geopuzzles, typing lessons, audio book, phonics or math workbook, Kumon cut & paste books, building sets (Lego, Lincoln Logs, etc.).  I just bought a Melissa & Doug My First Paint with Water book for my 2yo, but my 6yo enjoys it as well!  She also still likes the R&S preschool books.  We have some inexpensive wooden desk easels from Amazon (filled with basic sketching supplies) that my DC love as well.  That was their “Easter basket” for last year and they’ve seen plenty of use!


    Your younger kids might enjoy the Draw Write Now books.  I printed out the workbooks here and my kids enjoyed the copywork and the drawing exercise.  Might be young for your older kids, but my girls loved the entire series when they were 6 and 7.

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