Woo Hoo! New Reading Kits are here!

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Beginning Reading Woo Hoo! New Reading Kits are here!

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  • Alicia Hart

    I don’t know if anyone has already noticed, but I just saw that the new expanded edition of the Delightful Reading Kits are here!  So excited about these and cannot wait to use level one with my 3 yr old. 🙂


    I just saw it too! What age is Level 1 for? How “formal” is it? I don’t want to do anything super formal with my son until he is 6/7 years old.

    Karen Smith

    Delightful Reading, Level 1: Learning with Letters and Sounds is recommended for preK to 1st grade. It is meant to be used informally, guiding you to working gently with your child to learn each letter and the sounds each makes. The sample will give you an idea of the activities used and how to use the kit.


    Those look really fun, and the alphabet book looks beautiful!  I had to take a quick look, even though my 6yo is about done with phonics and my youngest is not quite there yet.


    I am so excited! My Delightful Reading Kit level 2 arrived on Monday and it looks fantastic!

    I tried DR with my oldest, 5 years ago, and while I knew it was good I did not really “grasp it” thinking I needed more not fully understanding CM methods. My 2nd kido learned to read with mish mosh of methods. My 3rd is now starting kinder. He knows his basic letter sounds and understands some blending so I went with level 2. I did the first lesson today and he loved it 🙂

    The word book is fantastic. He loves that he has his own school book 🙂 The learning & activity suggestions are perfect. I admit I needed more “hand holding” to implement the great ideas suggested in the original DR program. Yes, only 1 lesson into the program but looking through the guide I am very excited to use it!

    I still have the original DR program which I think will work perfectly to move into after finishing level 2. Thank you SCM for another great program!

    Sonya Shafer

    So glad your young one is enjoying it! Keep it informal and have fun!


    Yes, informal and fun 🙂 That is why I think it is going to be good fit for me, it will help me keep things informal and fun, but learning too.

    When we finished yesterday he wanted to do more but I reminded him we have plenty of time for more lessons. Today he played with finger paint making “at” words to continue the lesson from yesterday 🙂

    I also really like that handwriting is not necessary. My ODS had very strong fine motor skills at this age, but my youngest is still working on them. I think he is going to like it because he can learn and participate, but he doesn’t have to worry about writing that so many other early reading programs have.


    My new DR Level 2 kit arrived today and it is just beautiful. I cannot wait to start in a few weeks. Thanks for always being a blessing, SCM.

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