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  • bradstreet

    I see that a number of you have enjoyed Wii Sports Resort. We currently have a small flat screen TV but no Wii console or accessories. What would we need to buy in order to play the Sports Resort games? Would we need to buy duplicate accessories in order for more people to participate?



    I don’t have Sports Resort – but do have Wii Sports…

    Generally you need a controller for each person playing for any game.  Don’t know if Sports Resort has games that use the nunchuck – but you will need nunchucks for each person for those games (so in Wii Sports, for our family of 6 (only 4 can play at a time) – we own 4 remotes, and 2 nunchucks…  the only game in Wii Sports that uses nunchucks is boxing, which is for only 2 players.)

    hth some!


    You need either composite video or RCA jacks in order to use the Wii equipment.  For Sports Resort you also need either the Remote Pluses or the Motion Plus enabled extenders.  You do need Motion Plus for Sports Resort.  Most of the games are for 2-4 players at once.  Don’t get more than 4 remotes–you don’t need more.  But if you want 4 to be able to play at once, There are some games that  you take turns at, like bowling–you don’t need more than 2 remotes because you can just pass them back and forth.  If you want to do 4 people playing something like tennis at once, you need 4. 


    Oh, yeah, I forgot about the nunchuks.  We only have 2 of those as well.  They use them most of the time for cycling, so only 2 at once, we’ve never needed more than 2 at once.


    So, I think I need:

    1. composite video or RCA jacks to connect to TV

    2. actual wii console

    3. Sports Resort game

    4. up to 4 Motion Plus remotes

    5. 2 nunchuks

    Does this sound right?

    Also, does it matter whether I get the most up-to-date console? Do consoles get outdated quickly?


    Your TV will have either composite video or RCA jacks built in unless it is VERY old (ie from the 70’s) – so you don’t need to buy anything unless it IS that old – then you need an RF converter.  The RCA cables comes with the Wii.

    Actually, they took out some features with the latest consoles!  Mine is older, and can (in theory) use GameCube games.  We don’t have any of those… BUT we have 3 “Active” games  (Active Life Explorer, Active Outdoor Adventure, and Active Extreme Challenge) that use a floormat that plugs into the GameCube controller input.  Those games wouldn’t work with a new console.

    It probably isn’t a big deal, as it isn’t easy to find those kids “Active” games so much  (We bought the one new, with the mat 2 Christmases ago… then the 2nd used (no mat) last Christmas, and the 3rd used when we saw it at a used game place).   But it is something to be aware of.

    I don’t think the newest consoles have any features we don’t already have… that I know of anyway!

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