Who else is expecting??

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  • kimofthesavages

    I’m 29 weeks along now and our baby boy will be here towards the end of July. I was just wondering who else here is expecting? Smile


    I’m not yet, but hope to be soon. My mom said something about this that might make you laugh. She knows that we are planning to have another baby, and asked if I was pregnant yet. I told her that no, I wasn’t because my husband’s work schedule has been so crazy I literarly haven’t seen him. To which she replied, “You know the actual procedure doesn’t take very long.” (My mom is a nurse. Hence her choice of words.) Anyway, I haven’t really been able to share that laugh with very many people, it’s kinda fun to be able mention it!

    I wish you all the best for the remainder of your pregnancy, and for a healthy little one (and mom too). Hopefully, I’ll join you soon, although I’d be just starting and you’ll be nearly done!


    I am overjoyed to announce we are expecting our 6th. We have been praying for several months now and God’s timing is perfect. I am still early on just found out on Mother’s Day so I am just 4 weeks into the pregnancy. I pray that we will carry to term and have a healthy baby GIRL!! Smile JK we will love a boy too. It’s just that so far we are in a Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl, Boy pattern..God needs to keep the pattern going!!!

    Congratulations bkack. And I will be praying for you morgrace!!



    Mograce, that did make me laugh! She is right of course, hehe. How many children do you have so far?

    Shelly, *Congratulations* on your pregnancy! I wonder how God will keep His pattern going if you are pregnant with identical twins?? hehe! I hope we can make it to having 6 children (or more!). I’m 35 right now… we will just have to wait and see what God does. How are you feeling so far? If you are like me, you have two weeks before the morning sickness hits! Wink



    Congrats everyone else – and wow, to find out on Mother’s Day is pretty cool!

    I am currently expecting my 4th (and this will be my dh’s 7th – he was married previously)  Baby #4 is due June 25th.

    My dh’s adult children are Boy, Girl, Girl….  our kids are Boy, Girl, Girl – so if we have a pattern it should be Boy next… lol

    So, In June I will have a 6yo, a 4yo, a 2yo and a newborn.    Oh, and I also have a 6yo grandson and almost 1yo granddaughter.


    I’m expecting my fourth too!  June 25th (at least that was the original date based on last cycle – ultrasound at 20 weeks had baby measuring small so maybe toward the beginning of July).  Ours is a girl – and my three older ones are girls – I’ll have a 6 yo, 4yo, almost 2 yo and newborn!  Looks like we could have a fun playdate suzukimom!


    I am also expecting #7!  We have no pattern 5 boys and a girl.  I am in week 18 and FINALLY not sick every day.  Though some days I still am.

    So excited for everyone and wishing dad, mom, baby and other siblings the best of pregnancy, birth and home comings.

    I love being pregnant and delivery, dispite the morning/all day sickness! Misty


    That is so fun!! I have a 9 yr, 7 yr, 6 yr, 4 yr, 16 month old so I can join in on the fun also.

    Kim, I will be 37 next month and I am praying that God will give me several more years of fruitfulness (of the womb) hopefully I will be fruitful in other ways for MANY more years. LOL

    I have thought about what a shock (in a good way) it would be to have twins. And it would be funny to see what God would do with our pattern then.  I haven’t really been sick with my other 6 pregnancies (1 miscarrage)  but there is a first time for anything..so we will see!!

    Congratulations Suzukimom and Rebekahy, we will pray that it is June and not July..who wants to wait two extra weeks. Although God’s timing is perfect so we can rest in that.



    Oh Misty you were posting just as I was.

     So congratulations to you too.



    What a fun post! Smile

    bkack – I have two children, one boy and one girl. I always wanted to have at least 4 kids (maybe 5), although my husband thought one or two were enough. Ironically, about the time he was okay with 4, I decided I didn’t think I could handle anymore pregnancies (both of mine were difficult – the second one I was considered “high risk”) However, both children arrived healthy and I made it thru fine as well – it was just really hard for me at times. Sadly, adoption isn’t an option for us right now, so it has taken me a considerable amount of time and prayer to warm up to the idea again.

    Sometimes I feel a bit like mommy-traitor because I was the one who wanted multiple children. (And a big wimp, because I know there are lots of women who have had more difficult pregnancies than mine). I told my sister once, that I do want more babies, I just didn’t want to be pregnant. Ha! But, maybe things will be different this time! Maybe there’s hope for me after all.

    Congratulations to everyone else! It’s always such fun to be pregnant at the same time as others you know. I won’t be this time around. My sister/sister-in-law, cousins, and friends all just finished up a round of babies. So I think I’ll likely be solo in my family this year.

    Sara B.

    Congrats to all who are expecting!  I want another (we have 4 now), but waiting on God’s timing.  We just moved back home to MN from WI and are staying with my grandparents.  Not a very easy way to live…  We have an offer on a short sale, but you know how those are.  <sigh>  So basically just waiting on God’s time, because we are about ready (hubby will tell you I am always ready! LOL), but no house yet.  At least he got a job right away, so that helps a lot.  We’d like a boy next.  We have girl, girl, girl, boy.  People assume we’re done because we “finally” got our boy.  ROFL  In truth, we’d like a minimum of 6.  😀


    Congrats again to everyone!


    Our homestudy has just been aproved for baby number 4.  We have 3 girls and are adopting from a country that will most likely refer us a boy.  We have 3 girls so far and my husband doesn’t care what we have, but I see moms with their grown sons and just melt!  My mom (she passed away at 58 only 1 1/2 years ago) had an amazing relationship with my brother and I would love that.  Our 1st and 3rd are biological, #2 is adopted from Guatemala.  I am praying for a referal of twins, siblings, or a future child (which we would receive first preference for) but leaving it in God’s hands.  He has done a more than amazing job so far so whatever is fine with me!  We may travel by the end of the year b/c our special needs preferences are so open but it could be a year yet.  One of my favorite things about adopting is knowing my babies birth mom is probably pregnant right now!  It gives me something to pray for that is very concrete, especially knowing she has a difficult journey ahead of her.  Anyway, my “baby” is 5 years old now and I was crying to my husband last month that I had no preschooler to plan for this year.  He said I will probably be grateful for that come this fall!  Well congrats to you all and I can’t wait to hear the good news of everyone’s arrivals!  God bless


    We just finished our homestudy, too.  It’s for #5! We have 2 bio sons and 2 daughters adopted from China.  Trying to adopt a little 5 year old girl with sn from China.  Could be a while for us as her paperwork isn’t done yet.  Could be my longest “pregnancy” yet….


    It is exciting to see so many blessings coming!


    Wow there are a lot of us then!

    Suzu & Rebekah, you are both about a month ahead of me. That’s good timing school-wise. As for me, school around here starts the first week of August and I know I won’t be ready just a week or so after having the baby, so we are going to have to start school early, then take a few weeks off.

    Misty, I would *so* love to say one day that I’m expecting #7! That’s great. Are your older kids very helpful with the younger ones? I’m glad you are feeling better. I have all day sickness the first trimester. It took a little longer this time to get rid of completely.

    Moregrace, I know how that feels. I wanted as many children as possible until I was pregnant with my third and felt so overwhelmed. I talked my husband in to getting a vasectomy. We both regretted it so much later. God taught me a lot since then and then my husband wanted to have a reversal and I was very willing… well, last year he had the reversal done and 5 months later we were pregnant. :o) I fight the guilty feelings of missing out on more children during the “vasectomy years” especially since I was so pro large family. Well, I’m just thankful God is allowing us to have any more at all. He is patient with me!

    Sara, I hope you get your other boy soon! Most people, when they find out we are having a boy, say something like “well good, now you will have two girls and two boys” with the tone that we will be through. Sometimes I will say “yes, and the next one will be the tie-breaker!” hehe

    lgeu and tandc, that’s wonderful that you are both adopting. I hear the homestudies are intensive and I’m sure you are glad to have that part behind you! I’ll bet the older kids are super excited!



    Thanks we are very excited though many just give us “oh really”, “was it planned”, ” it must have been an accident right”.  I get sick of that.  But what do they know.

    My children are 11, 10, 8, 6, 3.5 and 15mo and all birthdays are from Aug 30-Feb.  So they will all be switching over those 6 months.  Are they helpful.. we’ll sometimes I call it hellpful, sometimes I call it annoying and sometimes I call it no where to be seen!  LOL

    I love our children and don’t know what the Lord has in store for us with children.  I just pray that once he feels that our quiver is full that it will be placed in both our hearts and we will feel complete together at once.  Misty

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