Which SCM Language Arts resource would be most helpful to me?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Narration Which SCM Language Arts resource would be most helpful to me?

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  • 4myboys

    I am looking at the various LA resources available in the SCM store, but I’m not really sure which would be the most helpful to me.  As much as I’d like to have them all, I simply can’t afford them all (and honestly, I wouldn’t likely get around to reading them all either). I imagine many of them cover the same material, to some degree, but it is difficult for me to sort out which may be the best. I have struggled to establish a habit of narration, and we’ve done very little written narration as of yet.  My time is limited because I work outside the home Monday to Friday until noon.  This means we are lucky to start our school day before one o’clock, when most of our boys’ friends are wrapping up for the day.  Even those who  are not homeschooled are home by 2:30-3, and my boys are anxious to go play/hang-up with their buds.  As a result I often find myself flying from book to book with little more than a brief oral narration from both boys in between (boys are going into 9th and 6th). I get narration in theory, but putting it into practice is where I struggle. High school starts in 10th here in Nova Scotia, so I feel this year I really need to focus on Language arts skills – particularly writing, as well as prepared dictation, etc. to prep him for high school level work the following year.  I am still very uncertain about the necessity of teaching grammar beyond what is required for proper use.

    Sonya Shafer

    If you want to focus on narration, my first thought for a resource would be the Narration Q&A blog series. Eventually we added more material and put it all into a book for easy and complete reference (Your Questions Answered: Narration), but you could start with reading the blog series and get a lot of practical help from that.

    For prepared dictation, I would recommend you watch the video on the Spelling Wisdom page for a quick refresher of how it’s done. Then you can decide whether you want to use the pre-selected dictation passages in Spelling Wisdom or select your own passages from poetry, Scripture, and literature.


    I will add that when time is at a premium, it’s not as easy as one would think to select your own.  Spelling Wisdom is worth every penny!


    Thank you, Sonya and anniepeter.

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