What is your High Schoolers Day like?

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  • Jessica Voges

    What does your high schoolers day look like?  I’m really at a loss to determine if I’m scheduling too much, just enough, not enough.  We never finished our year.  Now it’s summer and we’re still doing school.  Life happened(we had a new baby), he got lazy(spent too much time on his iPhone), I didn’t oversee him enough, etc.  But what now?  No summer break?

    Now I’m really wondering what I want his next year to look like!


    My 9th grader has a daily checklist and there are no screens allowed until all schoolwork is finished.

    Some subjects are done every day and others only once or twice a week.

    Daily subjects:







    4 days a week:


    Bible Study


    2-3 days a week:


    Religious readings

    1 day a week


    Book of Centuries


    Science Biography or other living science book

    I also rotate “the riches” 1 day a week. Shakespeare/ Picture Study/ Plutarch, etc.

    We do some form of P.E. every day but on busy days we do it in the evenings.

    My daughter starts around 8:30 and finished most days by 2.


    My DD will be in 9th next year.  My plans are for to keep her with us for some subjects, and on her own for a few.  For 10th, I plan on having her work more independently.

    I plan on Latin, math, composition, and literature in the mornings.  In between these, they can work on grammar & spelling…they seem like quick subjects that can be worked on if they finish early with another.

    We’ll do a family “morning basket” at lunch with a read aloud and another selection (handicraft, nature study, or LDTR for Children)

    After lunch will be our “weekly lessons”…although to earn enough credits, hers will be more frequent.  She’ll be doing daily science while my others will only have 1-2 lessons per week.  She’ll also work on art, history, geography, and, Bible at this time.

    After this, I plan on some outdoor time for everyone or a handicraft if the weather is poor.  Then they will be free for the rest of the day.  I figure this will take us to 3:00-4:00.  We tend to work on chores around meal times, having two DC clean the kitchen and two clean the house.  Our kitchen it too small to have everyone working on the dishes!  lol

    For summer, I created a list of daily activities that must be completed before electronics.  They must complete math, read for 30-60 minutes (of pre-selected books), do something creative for 30 minutes, spend 30 minutes outside, 30 minutes piano practice, and then ask me if anything else needs to be completed.  Sometimes I have them do an extra chore or declutter an area of the house for something extra (I’ve been trying to organize the house this summer).  We drop this checklist if we have other activities scheduled…I mostly use it on days when we are home all day.  It’s really helped with the “I’m bored” comments!

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