What if we miss a day?


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  • TammyTE

    Something I did differently this year is that I didn’t set myself up for failure. It seems like in previous years I would have a schedule made up for a M-F schedule with topics on certain days of the week. ie., History M&W and Science T&Th or some such thing.  If we had to miss a day of school I felt like I had failed at the end of that week because we didn’t get everything done and I was constantly in “catch up” mode.

    This year I just decided to “do the next thing” and it has worked really well for this season of life!  Some weeks it works out the ideal way and other weeks…well, we get things done. LOL

    How does this look on the online scheduler?  Since things are marked by date what happens if we miss a day (or more)?

    Rachel White

    It’s designed very specifically to deal with that, which makes it different than many other planners.

    Just mark “worked on” instead of finshed or if you didn’t do any at all, don’t mark anything; it’ll pick up where you left off. If you want to do something on Wed. that you should’ve done on Tues. adn it’s not showing up on Wed. daily report, scroll to the bottom of the schedule (for whomever you need) and click on the link for shoing things that aren’t scheduled for that day and everything you have scheduled for everyday of the week will show up. Then pick what you want o do by clicking the arrow and then when you print it out for someone, then that item will show up. Then when you are checking when things have been worked on or finished, you handle it like usual and it will reflect this the next time it gets pulled up on it’s pre-planned day.

    Whatever you don’t get done, it just stays where you last left it until you click it again.

    Does that make sense?


    Well, I guess it depends on what you mean by “do the next thing”….  Are you still doing some subjects on specific days?   Or do you mean that if you don’t do what you planned to do on Monday, you then do those subjects on Tuesday…

    If you don’t do something you had planned to do, in the organizer you just don’t marked it as done, and it will come up the next time that resource is scheduled. 

    So – if on Tuesday you had “Chapter 1 in Charlotte’s Web”, and Charlottes Web is T/Th – and you didn’t do it – then on Thursday it will say “Chapter 1 in Charlotte’s Web”.

    If that isn’t what you meant, then I might need the question rephrased?


    Hmmm I’m trying to figure it out. LOL


    What I have been doing is more like the “do the next thing” plan. Not really set days of the week. So it would be planned in an “order” that could work out to be certain days of the week if I actually made it 5 days in a row every single week. 


    I’m just afraid that things will get missed. For example:  If we have picture studies scheduled for Fridays it is great. We get to it once a week. But what if we have several Fridays in a row where we had something come up, sickness, out of town, dad had the day off?  Then I don’t ever see it to do it and we miss several times.

    Rachel White

    Based on your Picture study example, I’d then tack it onto another day. That’s what I meant by clicking on those assignments not scheduled for the day and adding them onto to a day when they wouldn’t originally be scheduled. I tell mine that sometimes there is “catch-up” that needs to be done and it requires more of our time.

    When you’re out of town or sick, there’s things around the house that need to be caught up, or at a job when they’re older; same with school work. So that’s life and it’s a good teachable opportunity about responsibilities. It doesn’t mean you’ve (or they’ve) failed; just that life happens and we have things that are important that are planned for and we need to put forth the extra effort to make it happen; esp. when it goes longer than two times.

    The other alternative is, if it’s been too long and you’re just feeling too much pressure, then make a note somewhere to come back to it when you start finishing things off towards summer time. I know that as we start finishing things, then I have some openings in the schedule and sometimes I have plugged in things I didn’t previously have time for. You could reschedule for another semester or free time or whatever works best.

    My example is we completely missed doing all 12 days of The Story of Gilgamesh. I was so frustrated and kept promising myself we’d get to it. Then I realized too much time had passed and it was eating into the other things I had planned so I said “to heck with it” and decided to either add it in the summer (either JUly or Aug. ) or first thing next year, then skip forward to where we will be ending this year. Either way, it will get done.



    Yes, that is helpful. Thanks!

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