What grade would you place this child?

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  • crazy4boys

    As I’m planning this upcoming year, I ran into a weird situation.  We’re a military family and have lived in many places, and will continue to move around and live many more.  When one of my sons started school in GA, he missed the “cut off” by 5 days, but we started him (homeschooled) with his brother who is 4 months older.  Moved around, blah, blah, blah.  We’re currently in TX, where he also misses the “cut off”.  We have him working in 5th grade, going into 6th, but if we went by GA and TX cut-off dates he’d be 4th grade going into 5th.  We’ll be moving again in 5 months, possibly to a state that has a different cut-off, which would place him in 6th not 5th had he started in that state.

    So the question is, would you change their “grade level” for each state you move to or just keep it where you started?  It doesn’t matter so much to me personally, but he wants to know so he can answer everyone’s questions and many forms for Scouts and clinics and such want to know what grade he’s in.  It also makes a difference if I have one more year to get things done with him or not!




    I would tend to place him in whatever grade works best for you (in regards to scouting, paperwork, etc.)  To me I don’t see how it makes much difference…. but I guess in some states it would affect compulsory testing or stuff like that.  I’d pick what makes sense now – and then not mess it around when moving states UNLESS it makes sense to change it for testing…..

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