Fibromyalgia is one of the many “diagnosis” that I have. (By the way Wobenyzme is awesome for inflammation–ok if nursing too).
My list is LONG. Each thing seems ESSENTIAL. The priorities many times seem EQUAL. So I live in this conflict…cause I have only so much physical energy. Recently I started trying to work harder and longer…got massively sleep deprived–seemed crazy crazy…went to the doctor and the doctor said…sleep deprivation can look a lot like phycosis…I worked myself crazy by getting up earlier, staying up later, and working working working…cause it just had to be done…right.
Now, things are so much better. I am learning to walk in the spirit. Slowly…increment by increment. I try to walk in my day –praying without ceasing, asking about the priorities…and trying to listen and be led. Many times, God will lead me to do something that I think I just don’t have the time for…even a nap…yet the rest of the day flows so beautifully when I am walking the path He is laying…versus going along with my over the top must get done agenda.
I of course can not say I understand all of your circumstances Miranda. But I have many of these same issues, health (huge since 18) 6 or 7 incurable “diseases”–pain and tiredness NORMAL, four small littles (oldest 7 youngest 9mo), trying to get out of debt, save money, one income, natural cleaning supplies, very busy dh, trying to implement a huge diet change for all the health issues–THE GAPS diet… wrap your mind around that diet…WOW…homeschooling, and many many more…must get this done first, deadlines here and there, so many things I need to get up to speed with…learn and put into practice, so many thinking changes, so many lifestyle changes…including making my own dairy items from raw milk, etc. and right now the whole house is ill right after a procedure I had done last week that laid me up–very short summers to cram in a multitude of must get done before snow…:-) and the list goes on and on…
I also have multiple nutritional deficiencies due to celiac disease-which affects my emotional and muscular wellbeing…hence the gap diet…but …
the Lord has used my health many times to make me STOP. no choice, stopped. in those times…instead of fighting to stay on my laid out -have to- course…I am learning to lean on Him, do what He says…sometimes that is rest, sometimes that is work that I would have put last, yet it makes everything better when done, sometimes it is the relationship builiding with dc and dh…the real important thing anyways…
because I just took on 10 new things to learn and implement in a kind of complete JOANNA self, family, and home overhaul project…I pushed until I collasped. Put the oxygen mask on yourself first…several of my friends remind me.
the gaps diet is vital to my entire family’s healing…yet it is on hold until we can ramp up to it. as are many different things. i am taking the Lord’s hand and taking a deep breath and relaxing into the following of the one who made me…and who KNOWS what is best for me and mine…
i thought i needed to learn to prioritize better, work harder, be better organized…and yes, some of that is definitely true…
yet really what i needed to do…was look in the right direction and submit my time, my life, my family, my agenda, my everything to the Maker of the Heavens and Earth…the God of love and of order…certainly He is way more qualified to prioritize my seemingly huge but really small in the scheme of things lists. And I am finding His priorities don’t always match mine, but don’t always conflict either…He is more concerned with the pulse of the hearts in my home…and I am learning…slowly, haltingly…but learning.
May God Bless you on your Journey during this crazy busy time. Hopefully, you won’t be as hard headed as me :-)LOL… when He has had to stop me (cause I would not could not on my own)…HE REALLY STOPPED ME! 🙂 which I am now grateful for. (and even there I am learning…at least I am not in the hospital this time!)
I appreciate the time you are taking to post your thoughts, Ladies. Sometimes just the encouragment itself is motivating and rejuvinating.
I have been thinking about everyone’s advice so far and I think I have some idea of how to start tackling some of this. I am going to make sure I have my Bible reading and prayer/worship time every morning BEFORE my days start. I will try to seek some help in the areas that I can. I think that if I can get my kids to understand and help above and beyond their normal jobs, that will help as well. I will try to find some natural supplements that will help to keep me healthy during this season so that the downfall at the end will not be so great. And maybe my sister will not be to busy to help with some of these things while she’s here as well. But coming all the way from C. A. There are a lot of people who want to see them, so she may be pretty busy. We’ll see. I think these are a starting point anyway. I’ll do my best. It can’t stay like this forever!
Just prayed for you Miranda! My mom has fibro, and I know it’s not easy. She is not a ‘natural’ person, but my I believe my old friend who has fibro did feel some relief with diet (yeast-free?) and exercise. I hope you can get some local helpful hands with all you have on your plate….so much to do even when healthy! Praying you feel better soon and get a good rhythm going. Blessings, Gina
It sounds as though you and I have a lot in common! I too had been diagnosed with several different things (including celiac, allergies, etc. Much the same as you) that brought me to a grinding HALT! After several years of misdiagnosis, concern, scary symptoms popping up out of seemingly nowhere, I was diagosed with Graves diseas about a year and a half ago. It was to the point where my heart was on the fritz, I was down to skin and bones, I was passing out, my eyes were starting to go and I could not even walk without help. Let me tell you, having to be lowered onto the toilet and lifted up again is a very effective way of learning to be humble! God has used the past few years to teach me sooo much. I just wanted to encourage you in your journey of trusting Him, because after finally learning some some difficult lessons, I am healed! I was tested again in April by my endocrinologist and she didn’t know what to say, as this isn’t a disease that really just goes away on it’s own. When my doctor brought up fibromyalgia, I honestly wasn’t even all that scared because I know that He will bring me through this just as He has everything else. As weird as it sounds, I really just need to get through the next couple of months intact and I know that any long term changes will be dealt with as they come, with His help and guidance. It is really important to me to learn and make as many diet and health changes as soon as possible, and before school starts for us again, because of all of the health concerns that I and my children have. My husband and I also feel VERY strongly that we need to get out of debt and get out of having to rent this house (which we think may be the cause of some of the kids issues, presently) so that we are able to implement more healthy lifestyle changes. I think I started to get frazzled by the “all of a sudden” work that seemed to all come up at once, here. I will be seeking ways to get more help during these times, instead of just trying to do it all, and “just push through” myself. Things WILL get better! It won’t stay like this and I don’t have to live all my life with illness. And neither do you. I just wanted to tell you what He had done for me (and is still teaching me) to encourage you in your own walk. He healed me conpletely and my tests for graves are repetedly coming back negetive. My doctor said that I was “lucky” but I know that luck had nothing to do with this! He took it away.
Thank you for taking the time to encourage me! I hope I was able to encourage you as well.
Maybe you need to ck out that gaps diet too…it says that it can actually heal the celiac gut and though you could never eat the standard american diet (S.A.D.) –eventually (2+ years) you could introduce whole wheat sourdough etc., it also is supposed to heal the gut to such an extent that all the allergies/intolerances that are not the kind where it touches your skin and you have issues–or you eat a peanut you die…all the rest of them besides that kind can be better…we’ll see…it would be a huge deal here…I have my naturopath checking it out. I know you have NO time now…and it is a huge deal…but sounds like you are already implementing some changes that would support you if you do decide to check it out later. I know that my standard jump in with whole being right away…don’t take time to change into swimsuit technique has not worked here…there is prep involved!
certainly wouldn’t stress about the fibromyalgia…i’ve been diagnosed with that since 1998…and had at least 3 maybe 4 more doctors bring it out like it was the fix all diagnosis–like it was brand new since…I laughed each time.
mostly it is inflammation, learning your limits-even planning for them…lots of pain after lots of activity…plan down day/s after big push, making sure you are good nutritionally especially minerals etc.–rest, drink water/electrolytes, and don’t compare yourself to Ms. Homemaker Homeschooler who has no real physical limitations or you will push even harder cause you SHOULD be able to!
Wow about the Graves…that is awesome! He shall supply all our needs!
I feel for you about the house situation. We have lived in a couple of sick houses (mold)…and let me tell you…I get it. It was horrid. But again, He can and will deliver us!
Linabean, I didn’t read all of the responses, so if I repeat some, please forgive me.
First, you have my prayers.
Second, if you have chronic inflamation, know that it is your body’s way of trying to heal/ deal with an issue. Because of my food allergies, I had/ have inflammation in my intestines which threw off the balance with the good bacteria which causes malabsorbtion which…. you get the idea. Also, I found that my inability to digest milk protein was what was causing my extreme joint pain (ala Fibromyalgia). If I stay away from dairy and my body is able to flush the proteins which resolves most of the joint pain. Yeast overgrowth can also cause the same type of issues in some people.
All of this to say, keep this in mind when seeking a source for the pain.
As far as a natural product for inflammation, grapeseed extract helps with inflammation. IF you are not allergic to grapes, this may give you some relief.
You might also try Arnica Montana homeopathic pills. The bottle I have says that an adult dose is 4, but keep in mind that this amount is based on a 150 lb person. Adjust up or down accordingly.
Arnicare Gel by Boiron is great for rubbing on joints as well as bruises, sprains, muscle pulls, etc. It is also odorless and non greasy and it works.
Hoping you find something to help you with your pain levels.
Thanks for the gaps diet info, Jo. And thank you for the health info, bluej. I will check into those things and see what I can come up with. It does seem to be much worse when it is cold and after I have been more physically active. Sometimes getting to the point of simply NOT being able to move that way. Never mind pushing through the pain, my body just WILL NOT move in that way and there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot I can do about it at the time!
On a different note…I just got an e-mail today telling me that my sister and brother-in-law will be staying with some of our friends for at least the first part of the visit. So that may give us some more time to get the room ready. Kind of sad that it won’t be the same with them not under the same roof, but a little relieved at the same time! I hope that isn’t horrible!
Well, my break is over and I have a kitchen to clean and a whole ton of eggs to wash!