What aspects are most important?

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  • pecangrove

    So I have rising 8th and 1 st graders, a 2-yr-old, and we are self-employed so I work about 3 hours a day (some at home, some on road). All that being said, I am wondering just how logical a full CM education is for us. While I love the idea of it, I am very much afraid we will get started and then realize I simply don’t have enough time in the day for all of it and we will get stressed fall behind and then I will have to go back and re-do everything.
    SO, if you had to choose to only do a partial CM education, which aspects would be a priority for you? Or, are there certain areas that we could choose a more student-led/independent way to still get the CM style?

    We are planning on using either APlus Math (online) or Thinkwell, so that will be more independent, and we are going to try to do science and the spine/timeline of history together (going to use CHOW for this year, then moving to SCM history) to help with time usage, too. But all the other stuff…. any advice?



    Part of CM’s core philosophy is a liberal education, i.e.spreading the feast.  But the beauty of doing that Charlotte’s way is that it takes less time than any other way I know of.  Picture study, for example, is done once a week.  It takes us 10-20 minutes tops.  Composer study is as easy as putting in a cd for a time every few days.  Also every subject doesn’t have to be done all the time.  You may spend one term doing some things and another term doing others.  Your 8th grader will spend more time, of course, but your 1st grader’s day should be very short.  You’ll get more answers from wise moms but I encourage you to give it a try.  Giving them a broad, generous education is easier than you think.


    I’d say history is the cornerstone of our homeschool . It’s read and narrate, read and narrate. The oldest can read some on his own and either do written narrations or tell them to you while you do dishes, eat dinner, change a baby etc. I’d also read and narrate some history together. I think it’s fine to give them each their own math curriculum. I’d only worry about grammar type stuff with the oldest. You can do prepared dictation b with 8th grade you could also add a resource like Our Mother Tongue. For science take walks and keep nature journals. If you fear you won’t have time for the arts get classical music CDs to play while you do chores or ride in the car. Get art prints (discount calendars are great for this) and hang them in the walls. To get in some extra books you can do audio books in the car or while they eat lunch too. If you have time read aloud to them while they eat.




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