What are your Curriculum Plans for the School Year?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Let’s Chat What are your Curriculum Plans for the School Year?

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  • TammiK – that sounds really cool! Have a fun year!


    My 3rd grader will be using:

    MFW Adventures (history, literature, science, Bible, art, music)

    Singapore Math 2A(completeing now) 2B and 3A (maybe)

    Memoria Press’ Christian Studies Vol. I

    Song School Latin

    Teaching Reading @ Home (spelling)

    English for the Thoughtful Child

    VP cards for memory work


    My 10th grader will be using:

    Notgrass Exploring World History

    Easy Grammar Plus

    Medeival Legends (writing)

    Thinking Like A Christian (online class hopefully)

    Apologia Physical Science (online class hopefully)

    Systematic Math Algebra (complete and begin TT Geometry)

    First Form Greek

    Are You Liberal, Conservative or Confused (begin. Gov’t.)

    The Fallacy Detective (begin. logic)


    I’m a bit new to this whole blogging thing…but I thought it sounded fun so I just started…and I just posted my curriculum choices as well…

    Here’s my site: http://texashomeschooler.blogspot.com/

    We also use My Father’s World – but I have tons of awesome books I have managed to get for our library and I love to tweak. I’ve seen some very cool things on this forum….if I missed it I apologize – but I am thinking of doing some of the bible studies for girls / boys from Queen Homeschool. Has anybody else done those? That’s something I might add this year – but will just have to see if I can!

    Also…I just was blessed with a copy of “Simply Grammar” quite by surprise. I ordered a copy of Primary Language Lessons by Emma Serl on ebay – and got a very decent price for a barely used second-hand copy – and she surprised me by including a copy of Simply Grammar by Karen Andreola in the pkg – I had no idea I was receiving it!! Just wondered if anybody has used and liked this one?


    I posted mine back at the first of June, when we started. Here it is:


    I’ve decided to go through the Bible once more after we finish our initial overview; this will take at least another year.

    On my list of RA lit, we’ve finished Winnie the Pooh and House at Pooh Corner. I added Where the Red Fern Grows, which we’re reading now, and Old Yeller. I’ll probably save Henry Huggins books for fun reads next year, when he’s reading independently.

    I’m off to a slow start on Artist and Composer Studies. Just can’t seem to remember to do them although it’s staring me in the face on my spreadsheet organizer. We’ve done Beethoven and Mozart.

    Although I couldn’t find age-appropriate books on the topic, we probably did civics, too. Our local elections are winding down, and he was fascinated with the campaign signs and who was running for what. He never asked what the court clerks and such did, though. But every time we were in the car and he saw a campaign sign, I had to tell him who I was voting for.

    Sometimes I wish I had a blog, but I spend too much time on the computer as it is.


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