2nd grade schedule

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  • nerakr

    Since we’re talking about schedules, I thought I’d post mine and see how it looks.

    Ds will be in second grade. We will start June 1 (except geography, which we’ve already started, and Health, which will start in August)

    We’ll be trying 5 terms of 9 weeks each, 4 days per week max.

    Bible-finish our journey through the Bible (probably by Sept.) After that, undecided. Could start over, do something from Scripture Adventures, read some old Keys for Kids I found at the Salvation Army, or do Character Bible studies from Confessions of a Homeschooler

    Scripture Memory-Module 2

    Poetry-4x week; Favorite Poems of Childhood; some seasonal; finish Milne study; Lewis Carroll; Eugene Field; Walter de la Mare; James Whitcomb Riley (last three taken from AO but won’t use their site since I don’t want to read off the computer and have no way to mark my place)

    Geography (no formal history this year; will read some historical books in appropriate spots)-most of the 50 states. Will finish in 3rd grade. Up to 4x/week. Will not start new topic in middle of week

    Health-Human Body loosely based on guesthollow and tweaked with investigations from other sources. Up to 4x/week. Will not start new topics in middle of week. Terms 2-4 only. Can’t find enough to fill all 5 terms

    Math-no formal curriculum. Will cover standard second grade topics and may begin multiplication depending on how fast he catches on

    Copywork-daily. Selections from Scripture memory passages or poetry

    Reading-2x week. Probably use familiar picture books

    Read alouds-as time allows based on my work schedule. Will let him choose from:

    Winnie the Pooh (almost finished)/House at Pooh Corner/Charlotte’s Web (started but didn’t finish; would start over)/Stuart Little/Trumpet of the Swan/Wind in the Willows/Henry Huggins books/Little House books

    Artist/Composer Study-would do either/or each term, 1x week: Mozart; Chopin; Strauss; Tchaikovsky; Stravinsky; Rossini; Dvorak; Van Gogh; Picasso; Renoir. May re-do Audubon, Monet, and Cassatt since all we did was read a bio and not focus on the artwork too much.

    Art-so far this is hit or miss, whenever he took the notion. Haven’t decided yet if I’ll try to schedule it once a week

    Hymn Study-CD in the car

    How does it look?



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