What age to begin BOC?

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  • JenniferM


    What age have you found to be the best fit for a child to begin a personal Book of Centuries?  I was going to allow my 4th grader (she will be nine) to have her own.  I seem to remember reading somewhere that CM recommended 7th and up, but then I have also seen it recommended for 4th and up.  Therefore, I am just curious about your own experience – go ahead?  or wait?  




    I started my dd in 7th, prior to that we keep a family one. Charlotte’s students did begin in 4/5th, if I recall correctly, but Sonya suggested waiting until they would be comfortable looking back at their work without saying EWW at their penmanship. It is a long term project to carry through all of the rest of their education, so I liked starting in 7th personally.


    So, the only reason to wait would be penmanship?  This child has near perfect penmanship and enjoys reading historical books in her free time.  We have been keeping a family timeline.  Hmmm…. Need to think about this some more, I suppose.  Thank you, Christie.


    My oldest started his in 4th grade.  That was a good age for him.  For his younger brother, we’ll probably wait until 12 or so.


    I think 4th/5th is fine, if you think they’re ready and would enjoy it.


    My son has good penmanship and draws well. We did a family wall timeline for 4 years. He will be in 5th next year and will start his own as we are starting history back at the Ancients. He reads a lot of American Colonial history on his own. He will be doing the timeline book from Sonlight, the one he preferred and is most like our family project, though not a CM BOC.

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