What age for Stepping Heavenward?

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  • Sue

    Those of you who have read Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss, can you recommend an appropriate age level for the book? I have a 14yo dd who is starting 9th grade, and I’m wondering if it would be good for her.


    That is the youngest I would assign it to. You will want to make sure you are discussing it with her because there is a lot of meat in it. I had daughters that went both ways with this book at that age. Meaning, one gobbled it up and the other felt like it was too much. I loved Stepping Heavenward, and now that you are mentioning it, I think I’ll read it again!




    I think my daughter read this when she was about 14.  She read it many times as a teen.  Just to give a little plug for it – this is the one “character-training” book that she kept from her time of schooling.  When she was moving away this summer, she gave it to my 11 year old daughter and told her that it was a wonderful book and that she ought to read it.   


    I had my 8th grade Dd read it last year..but she’s older for her grade and was just about 14.  We enjoyed it together.


    I’m actually reading it myself right now!


    My favorite book!!! 🙂 I would also say 14 would be the youngest..it is a deep read! However, she may get something out of the book now and something different out of it when she is 16 and so on…don’t limit this book to one reading!! Just my thoughts!

    Betty Dickerson

    I waited till my dd, who is a voracious reader, was 16 yrs old.  It is a deep book and one you need to savor.  I only allowed her to read a chapter a day.  It was torture in a way but she did enjoy it.  I didn’t want her to treat it like just any book and skim over it.  Despite all that, there is just too much for a 16 yr old to glean or anyone to glean from a single reading!  It’s that good!


    Thanks for all of your input. I have a copy of the book through interlibrary loan, but I haven’t had the chance to read more than a page or two. I liked what I skimmed through when I first got it, so I think I’ll read it first and maybe wait until next year. We’re probably just going through Beautiful Girlhood this year and leave it at that.

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