Wanting to move back to more CM methods for HS and away from classical

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  • Jacie,

    Hi! I think you will be VERY happy with your decision. I do have a quick update on our experience, both last year and for this upcoming year. Another post on SCM talking about “How many books” posted the following:

    Grades 7 – 9 Per Term

    • of Books Read From in a Term – 30
    • Total # of Pages Read in a Term – 1800-2100

    Well I tallied up what my dd read last year in all her subjects and she was at 6600 pages for the year! A full semester’s worth of reading beyond the normal range for her grade. Not only was it too many pages, but it was all at a very challenging level. I felt horribly to have allowed such a thing to have gone on.

    So for this year using EpiKardia Brit Lit, our own planned World History part II, our own planned bible study, Apologia Chemistry, Spanish III and a few other things, the total is approx. 5500 pages. Again, per the post “how many books” this is the page count for 10-12 grade:

    Grades 10-12 Per Term

    • of Books Read From in a Term – 35 (?)
    • Total # of Pages Read in a Term – 2450-2800

    So this year will be still towards the high end, but a mix of challenging and less challenging material.

    What I learned from my continuing reading to get back into a CM style for high school, mostly on SCM from Sonya and other posters, is to savor, not shovel in information. Look at the list of books that you have planned, not as a “to do” list, but as a list of what you will do next once you are satisfied that the previous book has been digested to whatever degree you wanted it to be. And always be o.k. with leaving out a book or substituting a different book. CM is quite different than classical. 

    I hope that makes sense. PMing you too.


    Wow, just joined the forum and already feel encouraged as we begin the “school year” tomorrow morning. 

    Nourishing Traditions is a book I have wanted for a long time…never thought it could serve a dual purpose Laughing.

    High school can be intimidating for the teacher, as well as the student.  Thanks for the insights!

    Jackie Betancourt

    I just noticed your response, schoolcanbefun! Thanks so much for the breakdown! I didn’t see your PM, did I miss it also? 

    I am going through the SCM module 3 I have on hand to see what books are suggested, but am trying to figure out which/how many other books to add to account for a literature credit for high school? Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks again!

    Blessings, Jackie in TN


    I too would like an opinion on how many additional books my HS’er should read to count as a lit credit as well.  

    We also started out with another curriculum (after having sold myself earlier on the SCM Yr 3 History Guide), and are now using the Yr 3 guide – And LOVING IT!!  History feels easier (for me), more enjoyable, and we are definitely getting so much from it!

    Thus far, I have had my HS’er read Beowulf and he is just starting Ivanhoe.  I feel that if he were to read another 3-4 medieval, classic lit books that we might be able to consider it a literature credit?  Adding to his literature readings:  (I found this idea on a CM blog, but not sure which one)

    Every six Weeks:  Choose one book to give a narration on these General Question’s:  1) When was it written/transcribed, 2) What was going on elsewhere in the world at this time, 3) Who were some key people or rulers, and 4) What was the geography like of the area/reading.  Again, after discussing write your narration in proper grammar format.

    So, I too, would love a suggestion to help get that literature credit..


    Jackie Betancourt

    Thanks for sharing , Katrina! I am curious as to how you chose which books to add for your high school child. We will also be using module 3, and wonder if the book suggestions in the manual are enough? If you wouldn’t mind sharing your list, I’d really appreciate it. My dd is in 9th grade as well. 

    Schoolcanbefun, you mentioned something about EpiKardia, do you like it? If we chose to use that, where would we begin on their History schedule? I visitied their website and was a bit confused on where we would begin. I did see the new World History set, but noticed that they recommend that for upper high school levels. 

    Thanks! Jackie 


    After beginning to use the SCM Guide, I do believe the books with family discussion are enough to satisfy history.  

    I also feel we need more for a literature credit, so I am using The Well Trained Mind’s list to add some more reading titles for my high schoolers literature credit.  In addition to Beowulf and Ivanhoe, I currently have planned The Canterbury Tales and Hamlet.  I hope that adding those readings with narration questions above (also having him write into essay format) I might have enough to count as a literature credit.


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