Wanted: resources on Red Wriggler Worms

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  • BookBliss

    Hi All,

    I am new not only to your forum but to homeschooling. I am doing the research now but will not formally start for about another year.

    Anyway, I would like something (books?) on red wriggler worms. We already have the worms but would like to learn more about them, as well as fine-tuning our care for them. We are not clueless on caring for them, but looking to expand on our knowledge.

    Any suggestions?



    Sorry, have never read anything about red wriggler worms. My family loves to hunt for worms to fish with but haven’t done much reading up on them.



    I found a website… not sure if it will help. http://www.redwrigglerranch.com/

    We were interested in getting worms to start our composting and maybe raise for science. :o) I would love to find out more info myself.

    Thanks Jodi also :o)


    LOL! Shelly you have me laughing. Saturday morning, after a good rain the night before, my three boys were out picking up the worms off the pavement to go fishin with – before they got squashed by the cars. 🙂


    I do mean the worms getting squashed by the cars of course, not my dc – goodness, I need some grammar lessons. 😳

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