Venting about Grandparents feeding the kids junk!

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  • Homeschooling6

    Eeeks! I guess I’m a grandma mama 😉 becuase we go to McDonalds once in a while as a special treat for the kids and I do serve corndogs too (along with grapes).

    As for grandma, I would let it go. It’s not every day. Unless the child is allergic of course. Since grandma is grandma, I would let my child know that it’s okay to eat and drink what is offered so the child doesn’t feel like she is disobeying.

    I do agree that your four year old did eat a lot for 3 and 1/2 hours but again let it go. Just don’t excpect her to give them healthy snacks and food. Go there knowing that she wants to spoil the children.

    Pray and ask the Lord to help you with how to handle the situation and to give you peace when you drop the kids off at grandmas.




    I haven’t read all the responses, but I can feel your anxiety leaving the kids with your MIL.  When my DD was about 2 years old I had a jar of candy on a shelf.  MIL was visiting for the week, and as I stepped out of my bedroom I saw her ask my DD if she would like a piece of candy but not to tell me!  I immediately stepped in to say something.  I confronted her about it, and that it was teaching my DD to deceive me.  That made me madder than just giving her the candy!

    Over time my MIL has learned that when she visits or when we visit her that they need to ask me first.  I have had to step in from time to time to say that the kids have had enough of whatever she is feeding them.  I don’t mind a little bit, but I don’t want them filling their tummies with it.

    We have learned, though, that we cannot trust MIL to tell the truth, so for this reason she does not babysit.  Fortunately, she does not live close, so we have an excuse.

    Honestly, in your shoes, I would confront her politely about it.  She is teaching them to go against your will.  I wouldn’t trust her to watch my kids out of my presence.


    I sooo hear you about the sneaky and undermining problems.  We had that at ps even though my kids’ teachers were aware of the issues we were facing.  Ugh!  My family tries to be kind about it, and ask me, but are not knowledeable about the altenatives to the Standard American Diet, even though they eat rather healthy compared to some.  Sometimes I feel annoyed and frustrated by the “health food” friends who tell me I should try “this or’s better than what I am doing” …when I tell them what we are doing to change our diets.  It makes me feel like I am not doing enough and am “less” then what they are.  (I know that is my problem, but also know that I can do that to people who have never been to a health food store or farmers market, even unintentionally). 

    Just wanted to add that sometimes people get overwhelmed (even when they have volunteered) by the sheer amount of time “in charge” of the children so long…especially if they are not used to kids all the time.  It is worse when there are food and tv restrictions.  Soooo, we have special diets and tv restrictions in our home.  When we need babysitters, we provide the snacks (and we make them “treats” for our kids), the acceptable dvds, and a “schedule” for the sitter (so the kids don’t eat all the treats at once) and provide alternatives to the movies, like games or stories.  This makes it so much easier for my parents (and any other babysitters), who do not eat the restrictive allergy diets that we do, and allows them to feel better about the amount of time, because even my little girls can wear them out. =) Since they love my girls and babysit for me for free, I feel that it is my responsibilty to provide the means for the time to be successful for all of us. 

    Great ideas Sheraz, very useful for those with this problem. Linda



    My initial thought on this was an occassional junk food splurge by grandma (which against my wishes happens to my dc but I let it slide cuz it is on rare occassion and I don’t want to make my mom or MIL feel like idiots for not knowing how to feed children).  And it is so not worth a “you can never keep my kids again cuz you feed them junk food”…….think of all the grandmas around the world who would never babysit again!

    For most of us, our parents were raising us when HFCS was put into foods, thus junk foods got cheaper, as well as TV dinners, microwave dinners, packaged processed foods, etc…..This was also the generation where more women worked outside the home and started serving their kids all the convenience not-so-good for you foods not being educated that this would later cause illness.  I think most grandparents of school aged kids and younger are oblivious to the dangers of a long term standard American diet (aka as SAD).  And this generation of parents is becoming more health conscious now that we see how this diet has led to so many illnesses.  In that regards, I would educate your MIL of what you know about dangers of artificial dyes, HFCS or sugar, processed foods, preservatives, etc…But if your kids don’t have to be under her care that often, don’t worry about them having this rare splurge.

    BUT, from your second post, it sounds like your MIL resents you in some ways and she isn’t just ignorantly shoving junk food down your kids throats to spoil them and show love for them…….but she is trying to provoke you (by for example you specifically asking they don’t go somewhere to eat and she takes them there to spite you).  You are their mother, and I think a gentle confrontation that she has to respect your wishes to have the priviledge of spending time with your kids is in order (in exchange for possibly allowing her to spoil them with food/toys to a smaller degree at your comfort level)……..even though she may think you are strict and might want to sneak them some goodies,  she can’t deliberately do the OPPOSITE of what you have asked out of bitterness toward you and she CAN’T show disrespect for your “so called stricter” rules in front of your children (such as rolling her eyes at your child when your child stating one of your food rules)………this is TERRIBLE………….This is the issue I believe needs addressed vs. the fact that your kids got given junk food.

    I love my MIL, even though she and my mom think I’m strict with my kid’s diet and don’t honor it when they’re under their care occassionally (although they would unhappily respect my wishes if I have specifically asked them not to feed my kids junk, which I would do if they were under their care often).  Once I had an issue with my MIL that could have turned out with bitterness on both sides, but I asked my dh to confront her gently, and it turned out ok (some friction b/n us for a while, but it worked out).  In your bigger situation, perhaps your dh could sit down with your MIL and find out why your MIL does not respect you.  It seems like dh should have a talk with his mother and make it clear that you are to respected by her in front of your children especially.  (the disrespect vs. the junk food seems to me a reasonable reason for you to have come to the conclusion you want her to never again take care of them).  Also dh, if he agreed to it, could explain that you should be respected by her in regards that your dh chose you as his wife, and your MIL needs to grow up and accept it.  It doesn’t mean she has to be your best friend or like your ways……..but you should never feel belittled by her in your children’s or your dh’s eyes.  I  pray the Lord works in her heart and receives healing for whatever reason she is acting this way towards you.

    Just my more than 2cents worth in my very NON-expert opinion,

    blessings, Kim


    very well stated Kim! I thought the same once I read your second post! That was a lot of JUNK..not just a corndog and cookie!


    If I felt the need to say something to mil I would definitely ask dh to be the one doing the talking.


    Thank you ladies for your words of advice and encouragement. Kim and Sheraz- I especially appreciate your advice. You have both given me much to think on. My husband had to have a small conversation about it with her today because my son was so sick today. He had a stomach ache all day and would not eat a thing. As far as these undermining issues….they have gone on for years, even before our children. My husband is the oldest, was especially close to his mother, and was the only child for 11 years. When we became engaged she began doing things like this and no matter what my husband has said to her she hasn’t changed yet. 🙂 Anyway, after thinking on it for a bit I apologized to her and to my children because I failed to pack them anything from my house that day. That was neglectful on my part. I think if I do need her to watch them in the future I will insist that it be at my house. And if we have to be there for an extended amount of time I will bring my own snacks. I agree that my mil’s generation is just not informed. When I do try to talk to her about some of the research she says she’s too old and if she’s going to die, at least she’ll die eating what tastes good! I know….. Some people are so hard headed. As angry as she makes me sometimes, she is their grandmother and my husband’s mother. Thankfully, she understands about what we allow them to watch or listen to and I don’t have issues there. 

    Thank you again to all you lovely ladies that responded.


    Britney, I’m glad things turned out okay. Hope your little guy is feeling better.

    Hugs and blessings,



    Had to post a TOO FUNNY f/u post to this thread.  After posting my previous post I took my dd age 3 to my mom’s for a rare babysitting time while my ds had another commitment.  My mom and her dh (my step dad for just a few years) always enjoy these times rare times……..I picked her up and on the way home my dd (age 3 remember) said “Granny Pat and Pappa Edgar gave me too many snacks”….LOL……….I called my mom to tell her that my dd “tattled on her”, and my mom laughed and said…..”oh yeah, Edgar did give her TOO MUCH ice cream!”

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