Using tickets for school?

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  • Misty

    Ok so I have a bunch of boys and it’s always hard to get them quiet for independent time which is usually 30 minute time slots.  This is the year and I have made it very clear it will be, the year I crack down!

    So I got some tickets we’ll call them at wal-mart for 97cents!  They say “Great Job” and has a spot to put what they did!  And if I split them (& that’s the plan) I will have 2 sizes a small one and a big one.  So I can even use that to my advantage. That’s the easy part. 

    Now I want to make some tickets that are the oposite.  They might say “Oh No!” on them.  Then I can put what they did, say talk, interupt, disrupt someone else, etc.  I can also make them in 2 sizes for the big things and the little things.

    Here’s my question (at last you say!).  My boys are 13 down to 5 yrs and I want the tickets to BE something.  You know if you get so many big ones you get this reward, so many small this reward and the oposite for the Oh No tickets.

    What would your suggestions be.  I want the good to some how remind them of doing good in school time, and the bad to remind them of what they did wrong. And these are only for the independent times!

    Good – work is all correct for the day, quiet all day, neat work, did extra work,

    Oh No – interupts, talks ( to self or others), disruptive, doesn’t finish required work, day dreaming

    What are your thoughts?  Thanks Misty

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