Using SCM history modules for high school

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    Has anyone used just the SCM history modules for high school?  I am wondering if it will be enough.  I can’t decide between SCM or some other curriculum.  Thoughts?  Anyone used just the modules for history for high school?


    I have not used it yet, but will be using it for a 9th grader this year.


    hi– i was kinda hoping that someone else would reply as well.  I have thinking abou this for a month or so.  I go back and forth between beautiful feet and SCM guides.  I have used aspects of CM through out our years, but i am thinking of going completely CM this fall–i have 9th grade, 6th grade and 3rd grade(twins!)  I am leaning towards the SCM guides, though.  We  have done history mostly together up to this point.  all my kids talk about college so of course, i want them to be “prepared”BUT i also want them to love learning and be self directed-that’s more important than “facts”  I’ve gotten lots of encouragement here, and in the end, it comes down to trusting GOD.  SM is the original reason i even thought about homeschooling 8 years ago!  I am going with the recommendations here-maybe adidng in a writing/composition course for the high schooler and doing two modules next fall.  I really do think it will be enough-the apoliga will take some time, for sure and i still want her to have time to read great literature so….though i go against the “crundh for college” type of high school curricullum, i have found most peace in my life when i do what God has placed in my heart.  Will it be hard to not compare to local high school?Probably, but will my daughter learn continue to love learning?  Most definetly.  She will have time to explore interests and participate in volunteering, and still have time to be part of our family!

    Let me know how you decide or if you have or need questions–i defenitely don’t have all the answers!!! But i do have a passion for learning and growing as a family!!!



    Just wanted to chime in that I just started the Middle Ages plans with my 13yos and 14yod (they will be 9th and 10th grades this fall).  I think that the plans will work nicely for them.  As history is my favorite subject, I tend to be overly ambitious with it.  LOL  I plan too much and bite off more than I can chew.  The SCM plans will keep things reasonable for all of us.  I’m sure I will tweak the plans a little here and there, but it is so nice to have them.  I love having the reminders about what to add to the book of centuries, the quality literature all scheduled, and so forth.

    Other subjects have such a full course load for the high school years, I want to keep history “do-able” and enjoyable.  SCM is going to achieve that for us!


    Cindy K

    If you follow the SCM guides for high school, will the high schooler cover American Government and Economics? Or do you have to add those in as separate subjects from the history? I am just looking ahead since the boys have 2 years left before starting high school.

    Thank you,

    Cindy near Reno, NV
    (fraternal twin boys, 12 yo)



    It is my understanding that these must be added in.  We are doing Mod 6 this year with 8th, 10th, & 11th graders and the SCM curriculum guide says to use Ray Notgrass’s Exploring Government.



    Cindy in VA


    So what if you are starting in with the rotation in HS?

    We covered Ancient Rome in 7th grade. 
    8th has been my least CM year but we have covered mostly 20th Century American History and some Greek history
    (I know we are all over the place but our choices have somewhat pre determined by classes we took part in this year.)

    Next year I am going to return to our happier, gentler CM ways so I am trying to figure out where to jump in at on the rotation.  Considering working out a way to condense some of the modules into one… like ancients, med/ren, then progress normally but I would need to tweak the schedules and bible study.

    Any suggestions or thoughts??

    Sonya Shafer

    If you have only four years left, I like to recommend doing Beautiful Feet’s Ancients course during 9th grade, then SCM modules 4, 5, and 6.


    Thanks Sonya!
    I appreciate the suggestion.

    We loved Simply CM Ancient Rome!
    Look forward to working our way back.




    …hmmm…just out of curiosity…

    Do you think it would also work to reverse the order and do SCM  4, 5, and 6 and then finish in 12th grade with Ancient history? 

    Does that put a graduate at any kind of disadvantage? 

    Rachel White

    Here’s a similar post on this topic:

    SCM Modules

    HTH, Rachel

    In my opinion, I don’t see why that would be a problem. For our family, by the time we have gone through the rotation, my younger sons will end up in “odd” years for high school too. My 2nd oldest will end up starting HS (9th grade) in module 5, and then we will just go back to module 1 in 11th grade. I believe this is how it is supposed to work…If I am wrong, someone correct me! 🙂 I’ve looked at the BFB Ancient History, and I think it would work just as well for a Senior.






    With regards to using BF Ancients, do you recommend using the BF guides as written or simply using the book choices w/ narration?

    Sonya Shafer

    I haven’t used the guides, so I’m afraid I can’t give you an answer on that. You might want to take a look at the samples and maybe contact them for more information, then see which choice you think would work best for your family.

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