Using 2 Modules in 1 Year

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  • aarut4evr

    I wanted to run this by you all, and see if this sounds crazy or doable. Wink I have 2 children entering 9th grade next year, and I want to get through the modules in half the time.  Then, for 12th grade, I figured they could focus on government, economics, dual enrollment classes, etc.  I also have children entering 6th, 3rd and K5, so they will get to follow this 3 year rotation 2, 3 and 4 more times.  It looks like a perfect fit, but I want to make sure I am not missing anything.  Here’s the plan:

    Year 1 : Modules 1 and 4 concurrently

    Year 2: Modules 2 and 5 concurrently

    Year 3: Modules 3 and 6 concurently


    Since the first three modules are heavy on Bible and light on History, I will use those for our Family Bible Time.  Then, since the last 3 modules are history heavy and lighter on Bible, I will use those mostly for our History focus.  

    The week would look like this:

    Monday – Module 1: Bible Lesson

    Module 3: History

    Tuesday – Module 1: Bible lesson

    Module 3: History 

    Wednesday – Module 1: Bible Lesson

        Module 3: History (day 4 here & do Mod 3’s Bible & Geo on Friday)

    Thursday – Module 1: Geography

    Module 3: History

    Friday – Module 1: History

        Module 3: Bible and Geography


    Does this make sense?  Do you see any problems that I am missing?  I know my 2 high schooler can handle the reading for both modules, and I will pick and choose what I want my 3 younger ones to read knowing that they will come back through this rotation again.

    I appreciate your thoughts and input.





    I think it is a great idea as long as you do not think it is too much reading. Are they reading science, literature and personal development too? Are your older students reading Bible in personal time as well?

    I have seen posts about combining the first three modules into one or two years. I have never thought of doing it this way but the more I think about it, the more I like it.

    We love history here and I really do not want to wait 4 years to get back to American history. We could study it a little on the holidays but I like your idea better. To emphasize that Bible is His story I would call that Ancient History, along side your Modern History.



    Thanks for the response.  Cool

    I really don’t think that it would be too much reading, especially for my older ones.  I can always scale it back, but I have looked at it, and it really seems doable.   

    Yes, all of them will still be doing science, literature and personal development, too. Thursday will be a great day for personal development as there is no scheduled Bible assignment.  I will have my older students studying the Bible through Starr Meade’s study, The Most Important Thing You’ll Ever Study.  So, we will read the Bible passage for that day’s lesson together, and then they will have independent work in their Bible study book to do later.  Make sense?  

    Thanks for your input.  I am a little nervous about venturing out like this especially since this will be my first time taking students through high school.  I am especially concerned about making sure I follow up with them after they read. I have used box curriculums in the past that assign specific things for them to do after they read, and although I think that narrating is a super simple and effective way to follow up, I am overwhelmed at the thought of making sure that happens.  I know my older ones will be able to do some written narrations, but I guess since I haven’t done it before, it’s hard to see how it will all come together.  

    I really appreciate your responding.  That was very encouraging to hear someone else’s thoughts.  Thanks!



    I’m thankful that you shared your good idea! I am seriously thinking of implementing it, too. My oldest is only 9 years old, so I’m not sure of high school. I was just thinking out loud as I typed about other books they would be reading and if it would all be too much. I have to be careful that I don’t give my ds9 too much assigned reading in one day, and to vary the order so all of the reading is not done in one chunk. It looks as if you have thoroughly thought through this idea. Go for it!

    For narration, I have a written assignment sheet I made in Excel for him to check off and after his reading assignment it says, “Go tell mom what you read about”, so he has to find me and tell me his oral narration. I might be busy doing laundry or cooking, but he knows to find me and tell me about it. Does that help? Of course they need to do some written narrations, too. But this way they share in the responsibility of getting their oral narration done for their independent work. I have also read that some moms have them tell the oral narration in a sound recorder and the mom can listen to it when she wants to or has time to. Once the child is in the habit of doing narrations, it is really quite simple and natural. There are ideas on SCM of other ways of narrating here:

    Those could also be a part of an assignment sheet.


    Thanks for the link.  That was exactly the kind of thing I needed.  I bookmarked it for future reference.  

    The other thing is that I need to learn how to make assignment sheets in Exel.  Embarassed  I have done it on Word, but I need the room and flexibility that Exel sheets provide.  Maybe over the summer my husband can help me with that.  

    I do think that putting the responsibility back on them would make it more doable for me.   I just cannot go into this without a clear plan in place and without clear guidelines and expectations.  

    Thanks, again, for your input.  


    Hi!  I thought I would chime in here…we have 5 children, ages 17 down to 5, in our 13th year of homeschooling.  Let me start by saying, that I am still learning!  Always changing, tweaking, as each year holds different things for us.  

    With our oldest heading into her senior year in the fall, we’re pretty much done with her planning and now I’m shifting my focus on my next daughter, who is currently in 9th.  She’d like to get some more history readers in, so I am thinking of doing two modules each year for her next three years as well.  We have loosely done Modules 5 and 6 over last year and this year, but I would like her to be able to solidly repeat them before she’s done, so what I’ve come up with is:

    10th…Modules 1 & 2…three other children in Module 1; oldest working independently filling in any gaps.

    11th…Modules 3 & 4…three others in Module 2

    12th…Modules 5 & 6…three others in Module 3

    This will also ensure that daughter #3 will go through a Module a year until she graduates as well.

    It has taken me this many years to decide that I am going to add and delete , use various book lists, according to our needs and personal preferences, boundaries and beliefs.  We had done Sonlight for years and found SCM two years ago.  I am looking forward to using the CM Organizer to make our own curriculum with the SCM Modules guiding us.

    Good luck with your plans and I pray that the Lord gives you a peace, as He has given to me recently about all of this!


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