Upcoming narration event

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  • nancyg


    Thank-you to the planners of the upcoming narration blog event! I’m confident that I’m not the only one who is anxiously anticipating it, given the way so much wisdom and encouragement is shared here.

    I am making a humble request that anyone who has thoughts, methods, stories, etc. regarding the beginning stages of this activity would be willing to share them. (I have a 6yo.) I’ve gone back to my Charlotte Mason Companion, and have the impression that, for at least one student in that family, learning to narrate well was a very slow process requiring patience, flexibility, and creativity. Anyone else relate to that, and how did you work your way through it?

    Thanks to anyone who shares!!


    Sonya Shafer

    Hi, Nancy –

    The Narration edition of the CM Blog Carnival is posted now and full of great ideas. There are a couple of posts that talk about the process and encouraging reluctant narrators, so take a look when you have the opportunity.


    Thank-you, Sonya, for your response. I’m looking forward to some study time, but not tonight! 🙂 I’m also so excited (understatement!) about your visit to Iowa in November. I feel like a kid looking forward to Christmas! It will be so fun to be with people face-to-face who are kindred spirits and don’t need a definition of narration or living books! 🙂

    And to all the wise and kind women who share on this site, may God bless you!!

    Nsncy G.

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