ULW Books 4 & 5 Grammar

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  • erin.kate

    Good afternoon,

    Can the SCM team speak to whether Books 4 and 5 of ULW will continue with (advanced) grammar lessons? Or will grammar primarily be covered in Books 2 and 3?

    Thank you!


    Sonya Shafer

    Hi, Erin –

    The plan is that Books 2 and 3 will focus on grammar. Books 4 and 5 will assume the student has learned the parts of speech and how they relate to each other in a sentence, and focus more on applying that knowledge (along with other points) to improve and polish composition skills.


    Oh, thank you, Sonya. We are absolutely loving Books 1 & 2 over here with my two oldest.

    Take good care.


    I noticed that using Analytical Grammar was recommended beginning in 6th grade. Is that absolutely necessary if a student goes through each level of ULW?

    Sonya Shafer

    Using Language Well, Books 2 and 3, are designed to give a gentle introduction or review of grammar. We recommend Analytical Grammar for a more in-depth study.


    Ok, well, I’ll probably put that off at least a year then because my son hasn’t had much exposure to grammar  yet. This is a good time to start. 😉


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