Tweaking Module 5


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  • junkybird

    I will be using Module 5 with my DS10 and DD6 this coming year.  I know that it is not scheduled to be revised soon, so I was wondering how I might could tweak it to use some resources that MAY be new for it in the future. I really hate to buy the handbook now and then next year or so it be an older version.  I already have Modules/Handbook 1-4 in the older versions, with ALL of the resources. So, I know that I will already have to buy new stuff when I get the revised editions of those.  This question may be more for Sonya 🙂

    Also, if I chose to NOT buy the current version now, has anybody ever just used the resources listed in the Resources Needed section and just read through those and not needed a day by day from the handbook.  I REALLY LOVE all of the handbooks, but again, I have younger children too and don’t want to have to buy another handbook in a few years when it comes out.  Know what I mean?

    I was reading last night a thread about tweaking Module 4 and it explained some about using the Visits To . . . series. I’m glad I read that, because now I know that I WILL need to purchase the Visits To North Amercia for a future edition.

    Sorry, rambling. Suggestions?



    Sonya? Additions or deletions to Module 5? Besides the Visits to North America?


    Sonya Shafer

    Oh, sorry I missed this earlier! Thanks for the bump.

    Current ideas to improve Module 5 are

    • Change geography lessons to Visits to North America
    • Add a younger student Bible study option (for those too young to grasp the GOAL journal)
    • Possibly incorporate America: The Last Best Hope, Volume 1 into grades 10-12; I’ll have to dig deeper into how much book shuffling that might require



    Great!  Thanks so much Sonya 🙂  Mine are 10 and 6, so we will definitely do the Visits to North America.  I will also look into another Bible study option. We already go thorugh The Jesus Calling and scripture memory in our morning basket.  I will look for something else as well. Thanks again.

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