Truthquest with SCM

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  • momto2blessings

    Hi Cindie,

    Thanks, good to be back online:)  I haven’t bought any TQ guides yet.  It’s been busy enough just switching from AO to SCM history rather abruptly in the last couple weeks.  I just recently discovered the TQ guides and already had my plan to continue with Ren./Reformation in Module 4 so we could stay on the same history cycle we had started with AO.  I’ve switched history curriculums so much—SL to Mystery of History to AO to now SCM:(    I feel like I need to stick with our cycle now in order to not confuse things.

    What do you rec. for TQ guides?  My initial thoughts are to wait until next year (5th and 2nd) when we will be covering early modern in SCM and add in the younger elemtary guide?  Then would it be best to continue with the younger guides or move on to the older ones?  I need to check the TQ site more, still trying to wrap my brain around all this.  Thanks so much for your responses and help!  That link on highlighting the SCM books in the TQ guide was very helpful.   Blessings, Gina



    I’m still learning myself.  Wink  Glad the link was helpful!


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