Too Many Toys…

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  • sheraz

    Yes, those hundreds of 3d projects….sigh.  =)  My daughter also wants to be an artist and so I get the idea.  I just plain don’t have the space, so we enjoy it for a while and then it has to leave.  That’s just how it is.  I’m not really sure how I got us there…  I’m not being much help.  I probably got frustrated one day and told her we had to get rid of stuff – when you can’t sleep in your bed, sit at your desk, Mom can’t walk in the computer room, and we can’t eat at the table – enough is enough.  I probably hollered, and exercised my “right” as the “chief safety officer of the house!”  =)  Except, that is why the picture was important.  She can remember the memory.

    My hubby has the same issues with his stuff.  He talks about needing space for him to do “his stuff” and I have to remind him that he has the only room in the house that is dedicated ONLY to him…Get rid of the “stuff” and quit getting more.  Haahaahaa – he won’t.  Maybe since I can’t make him get rid of it, I am more strict about it with them!??  Anyway –

    We have four kids too, and we do have great organization skills in this house, but no room to do any kind of long term storage for 3D.  If if won’t fit in the 20 qt rubbermaid tub (which is one step up from a shoebox), or in an upright artist potfolio (I do have one too) it can’t stay permamently. 

    Maybe you will have to discuss with her at a quiet happy time that nothing stays with us forever except our memories, and take it from there with the picture thing.  

    I’m not sure how to help you know what are acceptable limits for you since I am not there…you may have more space, tolerance, etc than I do!  =)  I don’t even have garage storage space.  heehee

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