TN CM'ers…I have questions

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    We currently live in Florida and there is a chance that my husband will land a new job in TN!  However, we just found out tonight from local friends that TN is not homeschooler friendly and their homeschool laws/requirements are very demanding. Our friends would never consider moving there because of them.

    I would love to have real facts of how you can home educate with CM methods in TN.  Can anyone living in TN give me any insight?  I’ve read the HSLDA website about the laws, but it doesn’t tell me how it *really* translates to our homeschool. 

    Thanks ever so much!


    Really??  Well, I guess if you read the entire TN homeschool law it can seem overwhelming and confusing because of the various options.   But it’s really not difficult or burdensome.  In TN you must be registered somewhere, either with your local superintendent by Aug. 1 or with a “church-related school” or umbrella school.  With some church-related schools you are considered a satellite school.  My children are on roll and I’m am on faculty and my home is simply an extension of that school  (This is the way you a viewed by the state.)  Then you simply go by the policies of that school.

    For example, we register through Gateway Christian Schools in Memphis (even though we’re in East TN.)  They have been a CRS for many years.  I simply send in our forms at the beginning of the year which includes what subjects we’re teaching and what I’m using to teach that, be it textbooks or living books, or anything in between.  (I don’t list individual titles of living books…simply that I’m using “living books.”)  Then twice a year I send in how many days we’ve done school (TN requires 180 days) and grades on one sheet of paper.  That’s it.  Gateway makes no other requirements.  They see no work.  They administer no standardized tests.  High school is a tad more detailed because of keeping up with credits, but it’s still no big deal. 

    If, however, you register with a CRS that has more stringent requirements, then you would have to abide by those.  Some do require yearly testing, or maybe certain courses.  Also the local superintendent will have certain requirements.  Just check them out before you register and go with the one that matches your convictions.  For us, the satellite option is a no-brainer.

    We were on the THEA board (the state homeschool board) for eight years.  If you have other questions, feel free to ask.  Maybe we’ll meet in TN one day!  Smile


    Thank-you Robin for answering some questions.  I appreciate your insight.

    One of the concerns we had after reading the law… (and totally not understanding it), is that we’d have to teach to a test with subjects the state says.  And if our kids don’t test well, they have to meet for remedial instruction with a school teacher.  

    So, it sounds like there are many ways to make it work.  And that it might vary by school district superintendent?  And it sounds like there is more “freedom” if under an umbrella school rather than Option I?

    We do hope the job opportunity works out.  We love TN and hope to enjoy living there soon.  Smile  We were really bummed when we heard what we did about their laws.  I’m much more relieved knowing that homeschooling the CM way will still be a viable option for us there!


    Yes, the satellite option definitely gives you more freedom and less interference, depending on the CRS you register with.  If you register this way, the local superintendent will have no jurisdiction over your homeschool at all. CM homeschoolers are thriving here.  If you’re on the east end, let me know and we’ll try to get together. 

    I hope it works out, too.  I’ve lived here all my life and love it. 


    For the CM homeschool they are talking about,Where can you find the cost and age etc.. As well as the closest facility to do testing at if you live in athens tn?

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