Timeline, Timeline Figures, Maps, atlas

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  • Hi everyone,

    Sorry..lots of questions today!

    What do you all use for a timeline, timeline figures, maps and atlas? I am really wanting something I can have in hand or something I can buy to make all this come together easy for me. I have the Book of Centuries printed out for my younger kids, I had thought about buying a book for my older girls, one w/ a really nice cover but..maybe they would enjoy making their own from the Book of Centuries? We have never done a timeline. I would like the clip art figures to print out also…just not sure what to buy that is not horribly expensive but easy to use?

    Also…do you know the difference between Knowledge Quest maps vs Uncle Josh’s? I am wanting maps I can print out to do our map work, where they fill it in and then we do map drills? It would be nice if something would come w/ an answer map but I can use an atlas for that?

    Which Atlas would you recommend. We are doing the OT/AE study from SCM and I will use the TQ Guide…well try to.

    I really don’t like searching for everything on the computer, I like to have things I can either pop in and print off what I need or have something in hand to use.

    Thanks for all your help!!

    Kim (mom to dd14, dd13, ds10, dd7, dd4, ds2 and baby Josiah 4 months)


    I made a snake timeline and put it on poster board. For “figures” I draw something on an address label and write a few words about it.

    You can see pictures on my blog. http://IAmAud.blogspot.com when you get there click “My Timelline” at the top.

    Sonya Shafer

    Hi, Kim –

    I haven’t personally used the TruthQuest maps, but if they are blank outline maps they should work just as well as Uncle Josh’s. I like that Uncle Josh’s comes on a CD that you can just pop into your computer and print off the maps you need. Not sure if TruthQuest provides a CD version also.

    Here’s another thread about map drill resources that might help too.

    As far as timelines go, I just use the Book of Centuries free download on this site. Each person can make his/her own cover and the entries can reflect his/her own personality. I’m a list person, so I make lists. A friend of mine is a draw-er, so she sketches little images on the pages along with her notes.

    Did you see this thread on historical timeline figures? It might give some options for you.


    Homeschool In The Woods site has great time lines/figure and ideas. We just incorporated one of the time line ideas recently when we updated our time line.


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