Thoughts on Cursive – Please help

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  • amyjane

    I am planning for grade 3.  Of course it is time to teach cursive.  Both of my boys have Occular Albinism and Nystagmus.  Most of what I have read says it is very hard for them to learn cursive.  They are both very high functioning.  We take lots of breaks to give their eyes rest.  I am struggling with this decision.  I know ultimately me and my husband have to decide but I would love to hear your thoughts on why you still teach cursive to your children.  Advantages and disadvantages.  This has the potential to be really difficult for my son and I need to be convinced that it is worth the struggle.  So please share your thoughts




    As long as they can sign their name for legal things, what else will they REALLY TRULY NEED it for?  I am not trying to be flippant, just trying to think it through.  I have taught our girls, but as my3boys(?) said yesterday, sometimes she wonders what we use it for anymore in this more techy age.  =)


    I taught my DD(6) cursive because she was getting very distracted doing copywork in manuscript.  The connectedness of cursive helps her to complete an entire word as a unit rather than taking a ‘break’ after each letter.  She was also interested in it, so we did it.

    I also want my DD to be able to read cursive.  I am very involved in doing genealogy research, including transcribing older records to digital format so others can search the records.  I would like my kids to be able to be involved in this as well.  Cursive (in many different forms) is necessary for this.

    Neither of these reasons would make me decide to teach cursive if it was a huge struggle for my children.  In your case, I might start making the attempt, but would have absolutely no problem quitting if it became a problem.  (Who knows if your boys will be ‘typical’ and actually have problems with it.)  I also wouldn’t teach it just because it’s grade 3 and ‘it’s time.’  If you or your children discover that you really NEED it for some reason, they can always learn it later.  I actually personally never write in cursive myself.  It’s possible to live a full life without cursive!  LOL



    I will be teaching cursive to both boys this coming year.  My older ds started in PS in 3rd grade, but his teacher had even more difficulty reading anyhting she wrote so excused him from those lessons.  He struggles with dysgraphia, so any kind of pencil/paper activity has been difficult for him.  I am not looking for perfection with him, just consistant effort, and ability to read cursive.  He’ll be learning to type as well.  I think my younger will do better with cursive than print because of the flow. 

    Personally, my own hand writing is a combination of print and cursive.  I expect that this is the case for most adults.  I don’t plan to get too fussy once they find what they are comfortable with, so long as it is neat and easy to read!


    thanks ladies.  These are my thoughts as well.  Just wanted to hear what others thought

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