The Waverly Novels

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  • Melanie32

    Hi ladies!

    I would love to hear thoughts and opinions concerning the Waverly novels by Sir Walter Scott. Have any of you read them? Have your children read them? Did you/they enjoy them?

    I just downloaded the set onto my kindle and plan to start reading them tonight. I see the first novel is part of SCM’s early modern history curriculum. I also see these books as part of the AO curriculum. However, I searched both forums and came up with nothing concerning the actual reading of these books! There is a long book discussion on AO on the first novel but that is more than I am willing to wade through right now. I am hoping to hear if and how other high school age students have received these books.

    Looking forward to reading your replies!




    Rachel White

    Melanie, when my son was 14/15, he read and listened to Rob Roy.  He said it was okay, but he admitted to me recently that he generally doesn’t care for historical fiction(gasp!). Likes history, just not HF. Would prefer to read the historical facts up front, without all the extra fictional elements surrounding them.

    Also, he had to start listening to it while reading it due to the dialect. If he has another, it would only be Ivanhoe, and in audiobook only. I think he should, due to it’s importance in its literary genre.

    My dd, 15, is going to be reading Ivanhoe this coming year. Don’t know about Rob Roy. I think she should, since there’s not much available on the Jacobites.

    I think my mistake was I didn’t give him any historical contextual background before handing it to him. I think that would’ve helped, so I will make sure they have that with any future readings.

    I’ve only seen the two adaptations of Ivanhoe:

    • The 1982 movie version with Olivia Hussey
    • The 1997 BBC production of 6/50 minute episodes. I enjoyed this one a lot.

    I haven’t seen the Rob Roy with Liam Neeson yet.



    It’s been a while but I read Ivanhoe and I think one other?  I enjoyed it but it was not simple. High school level I’d say. I think we watched an old version of it and the kids enjoyed it. Maybe with Richard Burton?


    Thanks ladies! My daughter read part 1 of Ivanhoe but never went on to part 2. I am debating whether I should have her finish it or not and whether I should have her read Waverly as well.

    Rachel-My daughter doesn’t seem to enjoy historical fiction much either. I adore historical fiction so that’s a hard one for me.

    Nebby-I’ll have to look up the movie version. That might be a great way to introduce the book.

    I’m still hoping to hear from more people-especially concerning what your students thought of Waverly.


    Rachel White

    It’s my understanding that all of Scott’s books are called the Waverley Novels. There’s not a Waverley book.

    The Richard Burton movie was also with Elizabeth Taylor. It’s a classic, though probably not as close to the book as the BBC version.

    Perhaps watching one of the versions of Ivanhoe then finish Vol II would be a good idea. It’s worked in my house before.

    I think it’s important due to its genre: courtly love, chivalric codes of honor, Saxons, etc. It is part of the Arthurian tradition; the Anglo-Saxon and Norman culture which is all throughout the poetry and literature of Medieval times…and Tolkien, too;)

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