The Chestry Oak and A Tree for Peter

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  • RobinP

    Thank you. Number 51. It’s been a very good one…rain (which we needed badly), a gift certificate to the yard shop for knitting supplies, and The Chestry Oak. 🙂


    A Tree for Peter is due out in early November for $10.95. Preorders will be taken soon. I encourage everyone to preorder their copies early to encourage PHP to keep these books in print. While A Tree for Peter is not specifically a Christmas book, it is so meaningful to read during that time and would make wonderful Christmas gifts.

    The Chestry Oak is due out in early January for $12.95 assuming no delays. This would make wonderful gifts as well. (An IOU tucked I to a pretty card?) 🙂 Oooh, the anticipation!

    Spread the word. We finally have the opportunity to share these treasures in a larger way.

    Julie Cunningham

    We started reading The Chestry Oak and LOVE it. I had no idea how good a book could be.


    Very excited as both are on my wish list!


    Yay! I checked the website and the pre-order link is up.


    I plan to preorder mine through Living Books Library to help support my good friends, the Cottrill’s, who are responsible for getting these books republished. They began in earnest last April, the week of Emily’s wedding trying to find someone, anyone, willing to reprint these treasures. They are in the process of moving today so hopefully they will have their link up very soon.

    I’m so very excited about this! This has been the hardest secret I’ve ever had to keep! 🙂


    We are reading A Tree for Peter and I have a problem with the boy talking with a stranger and then going alone with him in a boat and not telling his mother about it.  I had to stop several times to tell my dc that this was not a good idea, but the book seems in contrast to this.


    The contrast is a result of Peter’s circumstances. He has virtually no one. His mother, out of a need to survive life in Shantytown, must be away much of the time. Little Peter is left to fend for himself. The story is about hope and restoration and finding life again.


    RobinP, would that be a different website than the link I posted? I just assumed it was the same. Can you post a link to the store you referred to? I am not familiar with it but would also love to support those that did the hard work.


    I agree with RobinP whole heartedly about A Tree for Peter. I actually disagree completely with teaching children not to talk to “strangers” as that blanket statement doesn’t serve to keep kids safe. However that’s for another topic. 🙂


    This is not a “store” but a private lending library like mine. The Cottrill’s own and operate it and were the catalyst for getting these gems republished. (Emily Cottrill Kiser does the Picture Study Portfolios.)

    I’m not sure when they will have the page up to preorder from their site. They are in the process of moving but I talked with Liz today and she said they will get it up ASAP. I’ll post here when they do.


    Sharing the announcement email I sent to patrons/friends/book lovers…

    Extraordinarily good news!

    Dear library patrons, former patrons, friends and general book lovers,

    I am SO excited to share some news with you! Believe me when I say that this has been the hardest secret I’ve ever had to keep. 🙂

    If you have been in my library or known me for any length of time, you know that two of my most treasured books are by the wonderful author/illustrator Kate Seredy (pronounced Share-edy.)

    The Chestry Oak has been enjoyed by many of you, some returning with tears and saying, like I, that it was one of the most beautiful books you have ever read. This book impacted me very profoundly. When I found my first copy, I was in desperate need of a new winter coat. I bought the book instead. I now own three copies, one for each of my boys.

    A Tree for Peter has been called by my friend, Emily Kiser, The…Perfect…Book. Enough said. I also own three copies of this magnificent treasure.

    FINALLY, thanks to the tireless work of the Cottrill’s, owners of Living Books Library, these books are being brought back into print!!! Purple House Press is reprinting these gems in paperback. A Tree for Peter will be released in early November in paperback for $10.95 just in time for Christmas giving as it is the perfect Advent reading. The Chestry Oak is due out in January in paperback for $12.95. (IOU’s for Christmas gifts?)

    A Tree for Peter is now available for preorder on the Purple House Press website.

    HOWEVER, they will also be available for preorder soon on the Living Books Library site. I will be ordering my copies there (and replacing my library copies with the paperback ones so I can tuck my lovely hardcovers away for my boys). I encourage you to do the same and support the folks who worked so hard for so long trying to find someone…anyone…to reprint these priceless books. They will have their page up soon.

    One note about paperbacks. I know many are disappointed that these books are being reprinted in paperback. However, it is VERY expensive to print in hardcover AND modern methods of printing are extremely inferior to the old days. Hardcover books are now, for the most part, glued rather than stitched which causes them to easily crack. Hardcover books are very susceptible to this since the cover is not flexible like the soft covers are. There are many times that I will choose a soft cover over a new hardcover. At least these books will be able to be enjoyed by many more children.


    Robin Pack

    Children’s Legacy Library


    It’s up!! Go to and preorder A Tree for Peter at a discounted price!!

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