The Chestry Oak and A Tree for Peter

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    Did everyone hear that these are being republished by Purple House Press? A Tree for Peter end of this year and Chestry Oak beginning of next! I thought I’d share the good news!




    Rachel, that’s terrific! I hope they will be quality hardbacks, but would buy copies even in paperback for each of my kids.


    I went to the Purple House Press website and could not find that info. Their blog hasn’t been updated since 2012. Just wondering if I should be looking somewhere else.


    I agree. Hardback would be nice, but I’d take anything under $70, lol.


    I rushed right over here once I read the news to tell everyone.  Glad you got it done first Rachel.  Christie, I’m sorry to say it is only going to be a paperback. 🙁  At least we will be able to get a copy for each of our children.



    Where do you find it? It isn’t on the Purple House website that I can find. 


    I saw it on Five in a Row FB page.  Here’s the post.  Hope I’m not breaking any rules by posting it.  Please delete if I am violating anything. :-/  

    “When I saw Steve and Jane at the homeschool convention in Cincinnati last April, Jane told me about this wonderful book Chestry Oak by Kate Seredy. Since then I’ve been working with Penguin to secure the rights and now I’m proud to say here are Purple House Press’s two newest books!

    Proud to have this quote from Jane too:
    Occasionally something precious is lost for a while only to be rediscovered and become appreciated all over again. Perhaps never is this more true than with the story Chestry Oak. Originally published in 1948. It is a beautifully told story of a boy who begins with a happy childhood, overcomes peril, and finishes strong, Chestry Oak is a book with all-too-rare and wonderful values that has been cherished by readers for generations. Long out of print, today’s readers can once again enjoy the delightful story of Chestry Oak, thanks to Purple House Press.

    And if you’re still reading this far…Does anyone have a US version of the dust jacket to Chestry Oak we could borrow to scan in? (We’ll send you free books and your jacket back.) The drawings on the UK version aren’t as detailed as the US cover. But I was thrilled to read this endorsement from The Queen: “A masterpiece of childhood literature.” 


    Great! Thanks for the further info. My copy is a US version with a pictoral cover, no dj. 


    So I assume it will not be available for awhile, but what is the best place to watch to know when it is available?


    Our library system has these. We are reading A Tree for Peter now. It is very good so far.


    I’m trying to get more information about it being released.  My understanding is A Tree for Peter will be availible before Christmas and The Chestry Oak early next year.  ~ April


    I’ve been sworn to secrecy for a long time. Didn’t know word was out. It’s very, very exciting. Thank the Cottrill’s for working tirelessly on this project.


    There you are Robin.  I figured you were in on a secret Robin!  You said something months ago to me that made me think you knew more than just a “someday, hopefully”. 🙂  I wish there were nice hardbound, but paperback is better than nothing. 


    Keep your eyes peeled. You will be able to preorder copies soon on the Living Books Library site. Very exciting. I’ll post here when it’s ready. And today is my birthday. A perfect gift. I plan to order pb copies for my library and have all my beautiful first editions upstairs for each of my boys.


    Happy Birthday Robin!!!!  It is a perfect gift.  I’m so thankful for my two second editions that I will give to my oldest, but so thankful that I will be able to have my other three at least have a paperback.  I will still continue to look for those first and second editions that are good prices.  I’m just that way. 🙂


    Oh yippee!!!!  Happy Birthday too Robin! 🙂

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