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  • Misty

    Ok so I am wondering for those of you who do not have a college degree and can not administer all the tests out there.  What do you use and why.

    Here’s our deal we have always done the Peabody and will continue to with our other children but my 1st born has passed through it all and will need to really do something different this year.

    Some of my closest friends have done one of 2 things.  1. Utilized the school system to take a standardized test.  2. Done the CAT online.  The 1st option I am not super fond of because of juts using the school in general.  So I am leaning toward the 2nd option of doing the CAT online.  What are your thoughts?  What have you done?  Thanks



    We are required to do yearly standardized testing, so here’s what we’ve done:  1. ITBS (The Iowa Tests)– since my sister doesn’t have a college degree and couldn’t legally administer this test, we tested our kids together.  I was the official administrator, but she was able to help as a proctor.  The kids enjoyed testing with their cousins.  We did this for a few years.

    2. Woodcock-Johnston — this is administered by a trained professional.  They do it in one day, usually in their office, although we had a doctor who would come to people’s houses by appointment and administer the tests right there, in the comfort of the child’s normal learning environment.  The downside to this is price; it tends to be more expensive.  But, the upside is that you get the results the same day, and the administrator usually has helpful information about how to best help your child with his weak areas.

    3. CAT, but not online.  This is about the least-expensive option out there, and it doesn’t require a college degree to administer.  This is what we’re currently using!  I’ve thought about the online version, but not sure if I’m ready yet to break with tradition.  🙂

    Hope this is helpful!  –Tara


    We have done CAT and CAT Survey. I don’t have a degree and get tests from FamilyLearning.org who authorizes homeschool parents to proctor the test. They also offer TerraNova and BASI. Easy peasy.


    Oh, and these are paper tests, not online.

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